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Answer The Questions In Your Notebook

Answer The Questions In Your Notebook

susun kalimat. the answer on write notebook your

Daftar Isi

1. susun kalimat. the answer on write notebook your

write the aswer on your notebookwrite the answer on your notebook

2. Rewrite the task on your notebook and answer correctly !


1. a house

2. Bedrooms

3. kitchen

4. Living room

5. My bedroom

6. Read books and do my homework


Semoga membantu

Jadikan jawaban tercedas


1. My family lives in a house

2. our house has two bedroom

3. we cook and eat in the kitchen

4. we watch TV in the living room

5. My favorite room is my bedroom

6. i like to read books and do my homework in my bedroom


maaf kalo salah

JANGAN LUPA KASIH penilaian yang tinggi

3. Apa jawaban dari write the material in your Notebook


itu artinya kamu disuruh untuk menulis materi yang telah gurumu berikan di buku mu.


semoga membantu;)

4. here are what we will do. First, we will read the questions carefully. Second, we will find the answer from the story in our notebook. Then, we will answer the questions orally. We can ask our teacher questions, too. Artikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia


inilah yang akan kita lakukan. Pertama, kita akan membaca pertanyaan dengan seksama. Kedua, kita akan menemukan jawaban dari cerita di buku catatan kita. Kemudian, kami akan menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan. Kita juga dapat mengajukan pertanyaan kepada guru kita.

5. How can you learn about your family's past? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same.

artinya adalah Bagaimana Anda bisa belajar tentang masa lalu keluarga Anda? Tuliskan berbagai cara di buku catatan Anda. Lalu, cepat baca teksnya. Apakah jawaban Anda sama.

detailnya : pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan tentang bagaimana anda belajar masa lalu keluarga anda.tuliskan di buku catatan anda.lalu bacakan di depan teman teman anda.setelah membaca,apakah cerita anda ada yang mirip dengan teman anda?

semoga membantu...jgn lupa follow y...jdkan jwban ter brainly...bagaimana kamu mempelajari hal tentang keluargamu yang lalu?
tulis dibawah jalan yang berbeda di buku catatanmu. lalu, secepatnya baca teks nya. apakah jawabanmu sama.

itulah terjemahannya

6. in yuor notebook write questions and answer about the story using was or were. 1. james awake 2. what/ on james face 3. where/ this beach

Was untuk singular, were untuk plural

James was awakeWhat was on James' faceWhere was this beach

Maaf kalau salah ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

7. A. Please, find 5 Imperative sentences (Kalimat Perintah) and write in your notebook!B. Please, find 5 Prohibition sentences (Kalimat Larangan) and write in your notebook!C. Please find 5 sentences of Asking permission and write in your notebook!​


A. go clean your room!

turn on the lights!

close the door!

eat your breakfast!

finish your homework!

B. dont be late

dont run

dont be so annoying

you must not turn left

you must not open the gift

C. can i borrow your pencil?

can i go to the party?

can i please eat your cookie?

can i use the toilet?

can i play with your dogs?


Imperative Sentences

1.Could you get me my coffee please

2.Open the window!

3.Close the door!

4.Could you pass me a sugar

5.Can you take me my notebook

Prohibition sentences

1.Do not park in this area


3.Do not wear innapropiate clothes in this area



Asking Permission sentences

1.May I go to the toilet, please?

2.Could I close the window

3.Is it okay If I sit here?

4.May I use your bathroom?

5.Can I take pictures inside the museum?

8. 1. Notebook - the - write - students - in - note - a - their Answer: .... 2. My - this - school - is Answer: 3. Is - the - teaching - teacher Answer: 4. Library - in- librarian - the - is – the Answer: 5. Map - is - a - this​


1. the students write note in a their notebook

2. this is my school

3. teacher is the teaching

4. the librarian is in the library

5. this is a map

9. (tolong dijawab)1. How many person are there in the dialogue?Answer:2. Who lost the notebook?Answer:3What does the notebook look like?Answer:4. Does it have a pink separator?Answer:5. How is the cover of Edo's notebook?Answer:​

1. Two, Lina and Edo

2. Edo

3. It's thick. It has a blue hard cover

4. No. The ribbon is white

5. The cover has a blue hard cover

10. PREPOSITION Rewrite the task on your notebook and answer correctly


2. It is under the computer

3. It is in the computer

4. It is between the television and the computer

5. It is behind the computer

6. It is beside the computer


no 7 masih bingung

11. DIRECTION Rewrite the task on your notebook and answer correctly


betweenin front ofnearnext to behind



12. Rewrite the letters in your notebook. Pay attention to the format and layout of the letters.​

Tulis ulang huruf-huruf di buku catatan Anda. Perhatikan format dan tata letak huruf.

13. write sentences in your notebook about the pictures. use might be, must be, and cant be​


the one on the bottom left must be a mask.

the top middle one might be a pan or a bowl.

the top right can't be a necklace.


14. How can you learn about your family's past? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same.

ask them b*tch or use your time machine

15. 1. Please read the conversation in the Task 3 and write down the expression of Congratulation had written there on your notebook!2. Please read the conversation in the Task 4 and write down the expressions of Congratulation and hope had written there on your notebook!​


1. Silakan baca percakapan di Tugas 3 dan tuliskan ungkapan Selamat yang telah tertulis di buku catatan Anda!

2. Bacalah percakapan pada Tugas 4 dan tuliskan ungkapan Selamat dan Harapan yang tertulis di sana di buku catatanmu!

percakapan nya mana?

16. Write the 10 passive voice on your notebook ​


1.The house is cleaned by Rita once a week

2.Right now, the novel is being written by Den

3.The car was repaired by Doni yesterday

4.That beach has been visited by many tourists

5.The food is going to be cooked by Melly tonight

6.Many cars had been repaired by Romi before he received his mechanic’s licens

7.The plant is watered by Sindy every two days

8.The book was read by Gina yesterday.

9.The house is going to be sold

10.A party will be held by Rendi

17. How can you learn about your family's past? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same.

artinya adalah = bagaimana anda bisa belajar tentang masa lalu keluarga anda? tuliskan berbagai cara di buku catatan anda. kemudian cepat baca teksnya. apakah jawaban anda sama.

semoga membantu

18. Make 4 sentences based on the picture using Adjective in your notebook! tolong jawab ​

Jawaban: house is big

2.the grass in front of my house is beautiful

3.the sky is so awesome

4.the air is fresh


maap kalo salah

19. Apa jawaban dari write the material in your Notebook


tuliskan materi didalam bukumu


maaf kalau salah

20. How can you learn about your family' s pasti? Write down the different ways in your notebook. Then,quickly read the text. Are your answers the same?

Ok i write now . My family live on Kab Bogor , Me is brother for one sister And my father is first kid for four brothers . And my grandfather is one because my grandfather's my mother is dead on year 2017

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