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Transforma Constructiile Pasive De Mai Jos In Constructii Active

Transforma Constructiile Pasive De Mai Jos In Constructii Active

PASIVE or ACTIVE The car is standing in the garage?

Daftar Isi

1. PASIVE or ACTIVE The car is standing in the garage?

The car is standing in the garage

Jawaban :
termasuk kalimat Aktif.

Penjelasan :
Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya disusul oleh predikat.
Subjek disini terdapat 'The Car' dan disusul oleh predikat 'Standing'
Semoga membantu :')

2. soal bahasa Inggris kata active dan pasive 1. Active : I do may task. everyday pasive : ......2.Active : The girls swept the yard yesterday Pasive : .......3. Active: They will buy the new novels Pasive : ......4. Active : She is sending the meeage Pasive : ...5. Active : We were finishing the works Pasive : .....tolong dong ​


1. tasks are done by me everyday

2. the yard was swept away by that girl yesterday

3. new novels will be bought by them

4. messages will be sent by her

5. work done by us

1. Active : I do may task everyday

pasive : kurang tau

2.Active : The girls swept the yard yesterday

Pasive : The yard was swept by the girls yesterday

3. Active: They will buy the new novels

Pasive : The new novels will be bought by them

4. Active : She is sending the meeage

Pasive : The meeage is being send by her.

5. Active : We were finishing the works

Pasive : The works were being finished by us

3. Change the active sentece to the pasive form! active: people has exaggeratedrattlesnake nature in myth and folklore. Pasive: Rattlesnake nature .....(exaggerated) by people in myth and folklore.


Rattle snake nature has been exaggerated by people in myth and folklore.


Rumus Present Perfect Tense (Passive):

(+) O + has/have + been + past participle (V3) + (by agent)

4. ubah active ke pasive voice​


1. He was seen crossing the road by them.

2. The sculpture has been lost by us.

3. Is lunch included the price?

4. Tom is going to be cut from the team by them.

5. A new bridge is being built over the river by them.

6. Our offer would be accepted by Tom.

7. Your watch has been found by them.

8. This work can be done by us within a week.

9. His house was sold by him for ten thousand pounds.

10. You should have been expelled by us.

11. The problem is being discussed by them.

12. Mary was being followed by somebody.


Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, kita harus mengenali jenis tense yang digunakan terlebih dahulu.

1, 9. Simple past tense: object + was/were + verb 3 + by subject.

2, 7. Present perfect tense: object + have/has + been + verb 3 + by subject.

3. Simple present tense: Am/is/are + object + verb 3 + by subject?

4. Present future tense: object + am/is/are + going to be + verb 3 + by subject.

5, 11. Present continuous tense: object + am/is/are + being + verb 3 + by subject.

6. Past future tense: object + would + be + verb 3 + by subject.

8. Modals: object + modals + be + verb 3 + by subject.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai passive voice pada


5. apa beda pasive voice dan active voice

kalau passive voice itu kata yang tidak aktif sedangkan active voice adalah kalimat aktifkalo passive voice itu objek yg di depan terus pake tobe + v3 dan akhir nya pake 'by ...' buat subjeknya

kalo active voice, kalimat biasa, yg subjek nya didepan, bisa present, past, future, perfect dsb.

tobe yg dipassive voice ngikutin tenses yg dipake di active, cuma kalo passive kata kerjanya itu selalu v3. itu setau saya

6. Membuat kalimat active dan pasive


PASSIVE VOICEPassive voice is focused on the object and the action rather than the doer of the action. When we want to change the active voice to the passive voice, keep in mind that we must put the object at the beginning of sentence as well as the action. Meanwhile, the doer of the action will be the agent in the passive voice.Harap diperhatikan baik-baik, bahwa tidak semua kata kerja yang terlampir dalam kalimat aktif bisa dirubah ke dalam bentuk Passive. Pastikan bahwa kalimat aktif tersebut termasuk transitive verb ( dimana kata kerjanya memerlukan obyek untuk memperjelas informasi ). Passive voice tidak bisa merubah kata kerja tanpa obyek ( Intransitive verb ).  Contoh : Go, sleep, occur, happen .Dalam perubahan dari kalimat aktif ke passive, obyek kalimat aktif akan diposisikan sebagai Subyek dalam kalimat pasif. Sedangkan Subyek kalimat aktif akan diposisikan sebagai obyek preposisi ( Agent ). Passive voice mengikuti bentuk tenses dan tidak merubah arti sebenarnya dari kalimat aktif.Harap diperhatikan pronoun nya ( kata ganti orang ). Pronoun akan berubah berdasarkan posisi kelas kata ( parts of speech ) dalam kalimat pasif.Ciri khas penerapan kalimat passive BE + VERB 3 ( past participle )

Rumus-rumus perubahan dari kalimat aktive ke bentuk passive berdasarkan tenses yang paling sering digunakan   :


Subject +base verb (s/es) + Object/complement  ( Active )

She watches a new horror movie every Friday night

Subject  + tobe (is/am/are ) + verb 3 + by + Agent ( Passive )

A new horror movie is watched by her every Friday night.


Subject + tobe(is/am/are) + verb -ing + object/complement ( Active )

They are cleaning the class now.

Subject + tobe(is/am/are)+being+verb 3 + by + Agent  ( Passive )

The class is being cleaned by them now.


Subject+has/have+verb3 + object/complement  ( Active )

He has just finished the homework

Subject+has/have+been + verb 3 + by + Agent  ( Passive )

The homework has just been finished by him


Subject + verb 2 + object / complement  ( Active )

I bought a new cassette  yesterday.

Subject + tobe(was/were) + verb 3 + by + Agent  ( Passive )

A new cassette  was bought by me yesterday


Subject+tobe (was/were)+verb-ing + object/complement  ( Active )

I was washing the clothes

Subject + tobe (was/were) + being + verb 3 + by + Agent ( Passive )

The clothes were being washed by me


Subject+ had + verb 3 + Object/complement ( Active )

She had sent the letter.

Subject + had + been + verb 3 + by + agent ( Passive )

The letter had been sent by her.


Subject + will + verb1 + Object/complement  ( Active )

I will write a new article tomorrow.

Subject + will + be + verb 3 + by + agent  ( Passive )

A new article will be written by me tomorrow


For more information, learn about the related topics  : ( example of another P.V exercise ) ( pattern of passive voice for all tenses ) ( example of positive, negative & interrogative passive voice )

Detail Answer

Level           : Shs  ( 11 )

Subject        : English

Category     : Sentence Structure

Code           : 5

Categorization   : 11.5.8

Keywords    : Active : Passive Voice : All Passive Forms

7. contoh active and passive voice in simple future tense active : l will write a letter pasive : ​


1. I will write a letter

A letter will be written by me

2. She will not help us

We will not helped by her

3. The lesson will be learned by Jhon

Jhon will learn the lesson

4. The hill station will not be visited by us this year

We will not visit the hill station this year


Passive Voice Simple Future

(+) Subjek + will be + verb 3 + by + Objek

(-) Subjek + will not be + verb 3 + by + Objek


I will buy a donut

A donut  will  be  bought  by  me

      ↓           ↓             ↓        ↓     ↓

subjek   will  be   verb 3   by  objek

8. Write a pasive dan active dialogue!


Behind my home there were woods that I was running through. It was September and the air was cold against my hot skin. A shiver was working through me. Last year hadn't been this cold, and it certainly wasn't so final. The first beads of sweat were running down my face, and my path was blocked by a fallen long, so I leaped over it.


I ran through the woods behind my home, the September air brisk against my hot skin. I fought back a shiver. Last year hadn't been this cold, and it certainly hadn't felt The first beads of sweat ran down my face, and I leaped over a fallen log that blocked my path.

9. tolong bantu pasive voice dan active voice​


1. My secretary has sent the important email. (First one)

2. was it read by you? (the 4th one)

10. translate two sentences below an change them into active , pasive voiceindonesia?inggris?active?pasive?​




maaf kalo salah, gabisa bahasa inggris

11. binggrismateri active pasive


1] d. takes (simple present tense)

2] a. sleeps (simple present tense)

3] d. live (simple present tense)

4] c. tallest (comparative)

6] d. How often (time)

7] b. Did (simple past tense)

9] b. Has Stolen

10] b. Have talked

11] b. Doesn't She

12] c. Am not I

13] d. Harder

14] b. Chose

15] c. Will be bought

Selamat Belajar

12. activeke pasiveMother cooks some foodscooks some foods in the kitchen​


Mother cooked some foods in the kitchen.



she is cooking a meal

a meal is being cooked by her.

14. tolong ubah kata di bawah ini dari active ke pasive

1.The English book isbought by Neni

2.The English book isbeingboughtby Neni

3.The English book hasbeenbought by Neni

4.The English bookwasbought by Neni

5.The English book wasbeingbought by Neni

6.The English book hadbeenbought by Neni

7.The English book willbeboughtby Neni

8.The English book isgoingtobebought by Neni

15. Membuat kalimat active dan pasive


yang digambar jawabannya

16. merubah dari active ke pasivetolong ya kaaayang 1 -5 itu di rubah ke pasive yang 6-7 itu di rubah ke activemakasiiii​


Two fishes were eaten by the cat.The flowers were given by aunt for me.The soup was cooked by him.This competition was won by my sister.A cup of tea was drunk by my brother and me.My boyfriend brought some strawberries.I am eating mie ayam.


Struktur passive voice secara umum:

Subject + to be (am/is/are) + kata kerja jenis v3

Penting : Objek yang ada dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi subjek di kalimat pasif.

Agar lebih mudah dimengerti, contoh dalam Bahasa Indonesianya kurang lebih seperti:

Andi memakan kue itu.

--> Kue itu dimakan oleh Andi

Semoga membantu, jangan lupa jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya, makasih ^^

- Sasuke

17. make two sentences in active voice(+)and change them into pasive voice in (+),(-),and (?)!​

( + ) Taqwim eat rices in the table every day( - ) Taqwim does not eat rice in the table every day( ? ) Does not Taqwim eat rice in the table every day ?

Semoga membantu :)

18. Pertanyaan Pertanyaan 1 Active : My uncle grew tomatoes in his green house. Pasive: Tomatoes were... by my uncle in his green house Apa isi pasive tersebut?




Digunakan V3 dari kata Grow yaitu Grown

Semoga membantu...

19. 1. active : The boy cooks the menuPaave :2. active : people make book from treesPasive :3. actve : they buy threeboxes of waterPasive :4. active : i eat fried chickenPasive :5. active : he solve the problempasive :​


1. the menu is cooked by the boy

2. book is made from trees by people

3. three boxes of water is bought by them

4. fried chicken is eaten by me

5. the problem is solved by him

20. Perbedaan pasive voice dan active?


pasive voice menjelaskan tentang kejadian/aktivitas yang terjadi pada subjek sedangkan active voice menjelaskan tentang apa yang dikerjakan oleh subjek

contoh :

pasive ; The fish was eaten by the cat

active ; The cat eat the fish

semoga membantu semangat ya belajar nya:3

active voice adalah kalimat di mana subject-nya melakukan pekerjaan,sebaliknya kalimat pasif

sedangkan pasive voice adalah kalimat di mana subject-nya di kenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat

semoga bermanfaat^_^

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