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Complete The Sentences Using The Words In Bold

Complete The Sentences Using The Words In Bold

complete the following sentences using the words in the box

Daftar Isi

1. complete the following sentences using the words in the box

1. Descent (keturunan)
2. Sick leave (cuti sakit)
3. Reacquainted (berteman kembali)
4. Settled in (menetap/tinggal)
5. Respectively (secara berurutan)
6. Resignation (pengunduran diri)
7. Sworn (disumpah)
8. Relinquishing (meninggalkan/menyerahkan)

KELAS : 10
KODE SOAL : 10.5

2. complete the following sentences using the words in the box.​


zat yang akan datang dari luar kota atau daerah di jual dari ribuan di jual di pasar mobkas yang akan datang di blog saya ini tidak hanya di trans power dan disertai foto kopi boleh jadi karena tidak semua e u di Indonesia dengan harga murah dan sehat dengan


khusus dewasa yang akan datang di jual di pasar internasional di atas dapat kita gunakan sebagai di atas adalah hak setiap orang yang sudahlah Bondan Prakoso kita gunakan untuk apa lagi yang tidak dapat dilihat yang di jual dari berbagai negara termasuk Amerika serikat dan sehat dengan buah yang di jual di tempat ini adalah tugas boleh dilakukan menjelang masuk grup kbs yang di jual rumah minimalis yg di adakan oleh para ibu di atas meja u lama

3. Complete the following sentences using the words in the brackets


Simple Present Tense:

1. I play tennis after school.

2. You start school at 9 o'clock.

3. We have lunch at school.

4. They watch TV after dinner.

5. She does not getup at 7 o'clock.

6. We go to bed at 9 o'clock.

7. What time do I get up?

8. What does she do after school?

9. He plays football.

10. Antonio plays computer games.

11. Luis Miguel doesnotread magazines.

12. Does Maria listen to music?

13. Does Beatriz tidy her room?

14. My parents read the newspaper.

15. When does your brother surf the Internet?

16. Who do you play football with?

17. What does your sister do on Saturdays?

18. Bianca goes to a sleepover.

19. Isabel doesnotphone a friend.

20.Isabella and I see each other every week.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Simple Present Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris.


1. Aku bermain tenis sepulang sekolah.

2. Kamu mulai sekolah pada jam 9.

3. Kami makan siang di sekolah.

4. Mereka menonton TV setelah makan malam.

5. Dia tidak bangun jam 7.

6. Kami pergi tidur jam 9.

7. Jam berapa aku bangun?

8. Apa yang dia lakukan sepulang sekolah?

9. Dia bermain sepak bola.

10. Antonio memainkan game komputer.

11. Luis Miguel tidak membaca majalah.

12. Apakah Maria mendengarkan musik?

13. Apakah Beatriz merapikan kamarnya?

14. Orang tuaku membaca koran.

15. Kapan kakakmu berselancar di Internet?

16. Dengan siapa kamu bermain sepak bola?

17. Apa yang kakakmu lakukan pada setiap hari Sabtu?

18. Bianca pergi menginap.

19. Isabel tidak menelepon seorang teman.

20. Isabella dan aku bertemu setiap minggu.

Simple Present Tense:

Nominal: (+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Adjective / Noun / Adverb

(-) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Adjective / Noun / Adverb

(?) Tobe (is/am/are) + Subject + Adjective / Noun / Adverb + ?

Verbal: (+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object

(-) Subject + Do/Does + not + Verb-1 + Object

(?) Do/Does + Subject + Verb-1 + Object + ?

(?) 5W1H (What) + Do/Does + Subject + Verb-1 + Object + ?

Semoga membantu ya.

4. complete the following sentences using the words in the box​


1. Postman

2. Gardener

3. Butcher

4. Doctor

5. Dentist

6. Nurse

7. Carpenter

8. Driver

9. Sailor

10. Pilot


1. Postman

2. Gardener

3. Butcher

4. Doctor

5. Dentist

6. Nurse

7. Carpenter

8. Driver

9. Sailor

10. Pilot


Maaf kalo salah (⊙_☉), Semoga membantu (#^.^#), dan jangan lupa jadiin jawaban terbaik ya (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

5. complete the following sentences using the words in the box.apa jawaban dari 1 -12

Soalnya mana? Wordsnya mana?

6. complete the following sentences using the words in the box (issomboshi story) ​

Narrative Text


Vocabulary Exercise

The newly - married couple have just moved into the new house. I feel thankful for the way my parents have raised me. The school has a very excellent program to stop bullying. The children were very frightened when there was a demon in the story they were watching on television. This is the most precious gift that Nina has ever received from her parents. Many big ferries of domestic as well as overseas companies anchored at Tanjung Perak every day. Ancient people sometimes used very big trees to worship. Issumboshi then become the Princess's retainer. The police found a dead man in the apartment. They suspected that thieves had stabbed him. Mr. Muslih is a very respectable village head. He seems to be in control of the village matters


Perhatikan terjemahannya berikut ini!

Pasangan yang baru menikah baru saja pindah ke rumah baru. Saya merasa bersyukur atas cara orang tua saya membesarkan saya. Sekolah memiliki program yang sangat bagus untuk menghentikan intimidasi. Anak-anak sangat ketakutan ketika ada setan dalam cerita yang mereka tonton di televisi. Ini adalah hadiah paling berharga yang pernah diterima Nina dari orang tuanya. Banyak feri besar perusahaan domestik maupun luar negeri berlabuh di Tanjung Perak setiap hari. Orang kuno terkadang menggunakan pohon yang sangat besar untuk beribadah. Issumboshi kemudian menjadi pelayan Putri. Polisi menemukan seorang pria mati di apartemen. Mereka curiga bahwa pencuri telah menikamnya. Bapak Muslih adalah kepala desa yang sangat terhormat. Dia tampaknya mengendalikan masalah desa




Kelas : 10  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 12

Kode: 10.5.12


7. jawaban complete the following sentences using the words in the box task 14

Soalnya yang mana yah? hehe

8. E.Vocabulary exercises Complete the following sentences using the words in the box

1. A first-come basis
2. Reserved
3. Approval
4. Stadium
5. Registration fee
6. Cancel
7. Unforseen
8. In accordance with
9. Proceed
10. Tremendous

9. Artinya complete the following sentences using the words in the bos.


Lengkapi lah kalimat berikut menggunakan kata kata di Bos?


Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan menggunakan kata-kata di bos

10. complete the following sentences using the words in the box (english kls 10)​


1. a first-come basis

2. reserved

3. approval

4. stadium

5. registration fee

6. cancel

7. unforeseen

8. in accordance with

9. proceed

10. tremendous


Hope this will helps you.

11. B. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple form and the words in brackets ( ).​


I took a taxi from the airport to the city centre.We walked to the park and the we played tennis.The man in the shop said something to the woman, but she did not hear him.I rang the doorbell and woman opened the door.I wrote a letter to a friend, and then I posted it.Did you understand the film? No, I tried to understand it, but the actors spoke very quickly.Did you enjoy the festival? Yes, it did not rain and we listened to some good music.


Simple Past Tense

(+) Subject + V2 + object/adverb

(-) Subject + did not + V1 + object/adverb

(?) Did + Subject + V1 + object/adverb + ?

12. Activity 3: Using Suitable Words Complete the following sentences with the suitable words in the box


1. B

2. I

3. E

4. A

5. H

6. C

7. G

8. J

9. D

10. F


Semoga membantu : )

Maaf, jika terjadi kesalahan

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya

Tolong jadikan jawaban yang terbaik dan jawab Brilian

Jangan lupa untuk rate 5 stars dan love❤️nya ya

Terima kasih

I hope this helps : )

Sorry, if something got wrong

Thank you for your attention

Please make the best answer and answer Brilliant

Don't forget to give 5 stars and the love

Thank you

13. B Complete the sentences using the Past Simple form and the words in brackets ( ).​


1. took

2. walked , played

3. said , did not hear

4. rang , opened

5. wrote, posted

6. A : did you understand

B : tried , spoke

7. A : did you buy

B : bought

8. A : did you enjoy

B : did not rain , listened

maaf kalo slh...

14. Complete the following sentences using words/phrases in the os


SellersManagementSeparatedneedsapplication letterprincipleorganizingsuccesssupplyproduced


Pada nomor satu ada kata buyers dan sedang membahas kontek bisnis.Membahas level manajemen pada sebuah organisasi.Bisnis dan organisasi kita ketahui tidak dapat dipisahkan.Anton belanja toko untuk apa?Anita mau work disana, sebelum work harus ngapain?Prinsip sebuah ekonomi.Fungsi management marketing.Manajemen yang baik akan membuat perusahaan menjadi?Demand and Supply theoryPelanggan suka sama barang-barang yang tinggi kualitasnya.

15. complete the following sentences using the words in the box.

1. amazing
3. destination
maaf cmn bisa jawab 2

16. Complete the sentences using the words provided.​


1. I think its a Good Idea to stay at home and watch TV in the rainy days.

2. I think That would be a good idea to have a weekend at the beach.

3. If you feel sicky, you should stay at home and have a rest.

4. Can you give me some Advice? I am really confused.

5. You should sleep earlier if you are not well.

6. Atty feels very tired so, she doesn't go any where.

7. They Dont mind to work hard, because they need much money.

8. We Suggest him to receive the money.

9. If I were you I would be very happy.

10. If you don't want to fail in your exam, you had better study hard.


Untuk penjelasan nya tidak ada,

jawaban nya itu adalah yang di garis bawahi tinggal di tulis


17. complete the sentences by changing the words in the brackets using simple present form! ​


1My mother fries eggs for breakfast every morning.

2She practices playing piano three times a week.

3The ducks swim in the pond.

4The laptop operates using electric energy.

5We open the store everyday except when it is Sunday.

6My father always drinks a cup of coffee in the morning.

7Does she clean her bedroom everyday?

8It usually rains every day in November.

9Mr. Richard teaches Maths every Wednesday.

10They usually do not water the plants in the morning.

18. Soal bahasa inggris complete the following sentences using the words in the box


lengkapi kalimat berikut mnggunakan kata"dalam kotak


smoga mmbantu,maaf klo slh jwbannya

19. Complete these sentences using the words in the box​


1. police station

2. bank

3. hospital

4. mosque

5. supermarket

1 - Police station

2 - Bank

3 - Hospital

4 - Mosque

5 - Supermarket

mohon maaf jika salah

semoga membantu ^-^

20. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of words in the bracket

text 1
1. Last night, I went to my favourite restaurant
2. I left the restaurant at about 11 o'clock
3. it was a warm evening
4. and I decided to walk along the beach
5. suddenly I heard a noise
6. I turned and
7. I saw three boys aged about eighteen
8. one boy came up to me
9. and asked me the time
10. when I looked down at my watch
11. he hit me
12. and I fell into the ground
13. another boy took my wallet
14. I shouted out for help
15. then they ran away

Text 2
1. There is a bank
2. a young man is pointing a gun to the teller
3. he is quite tall
4. and he is wearing a jacket
5. the bank teller is being terrified
6. he is putting his hands up
7. Now, the robber is shouting to the bank teller
8. there is a woman
9. she is wearing a white dress
10. and holding a bag
11. she is standing next to the door
12. her son is crying
13. he is hugging his mother
14. I am hiding myself under the table

=> Utk Text 1, to be dan verb menggunakan Past Tense. karena ada Time Signal "last night" yg berarti masa lampau.

(+) S + V2 + O

=> utk text 2 ada Time Signal "now" berarti menggunakan Present Continues yg menceritakan kejadian sedang berlangsung oleh penulis "I" yg bersembunyi di bawah meja

(+) S + is/am/are + V+ing

Semoga membantu

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