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Grupează Prepozițiile Din Text în Simple și Compuse

Grupează Prepozițiile Din Text în Simple și Compuse

buatlah text simple tentang recount text...​

1. buatlah text simple tentang recount text...​


Last wednesday, I came late to my school because I played playstation untill 2.00 am in the night. Because that I woke up late.

I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would be began at 7.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I usually had a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day I did not do that.

I always went to school by my moyorcycle. But in that day, I forgot where I put the key. So, I went to the school by public transportion. It made me took a longer time. I arrived at school at 7.15 am, I ran to my class but I saw my teacher has stood in front of the class to teach. I entered to my class and of course my teacher was angry to me because I came late.

It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.



Rabu kemarin, saya datang telat ke sekolah karena saya main playstation sampai jam 2.00 malam. Karena itu saya bangun terlambat.

Saya bangun sekitar jam 6.30 pagi dan kelas akan dimulai jam 7 pagi. Aku lari ke kamar mandi untuk mandi. Saya biasanya sarapan pagi setelah mandi, tetapi hari itu saya tidak melakukannya.

Saya selalu pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda motor saya. Tetapi pada hari itu, saya lupa di mana saya meletakkan kuncinya. Jadi, saya pergi ke sekolah dengan angkutan umum. Itu membuat saya membutuhkan waktu lebih lama. Saya sampai di sekolah jam 7.15 pagi, saya lari ke kelas saya tapi saya melihat guru saya sudah berdiri di depan kelas untuk mengajar. Saya masuk ke kelas saya dan tentu saja guru saya marah kepada saya karena saya datang terlambat.

Itu adalah pengalaman buruk saya dan saya berharap saya tidak akan melakukannya lagi.

Maaf kalau salah..


2. mengapa discussion text menggunakan simple present text

Because Simple present tense it is used to indicate present time (now) with the following verbs.

Discussion text is something that we do at the present time (now)

3. simple present text ​


Itu yah kak


makasih semoga membantu

4. make a simple procedure text​



membuat teks prosedur sederhana


maaf kalau salah


Cara Membuat Es Teh


Kantong teh atau daun teh

Es batu




1. Rebus airnya

2. Tuang air ke gelas

3. Teh curam

4. Saring teh apabila kalian memakai daun teh langsung, atau keluarkan kantong teh.

5. Tambahkan gula

6. Tambahkan es batu

7. Sajikan dan nikmati.

semoga membantu ya :)

5. Contoh procedure text tentang benda yang simple

contohnya bisa dibuat " how to make an omelette"

6. procedure text yang simple untuk persentasi

How to make Indomie Fried Noodles
● Two slices of bread
● Something inside (fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, a sausage, etc.)

● First, boil two glasses of water in a pan.
● Then, open the package of Indomie fried noodles.
● While waiting for the water to boil, pour the seasoning: chili sauce, soya sauce and oil into a bowl.
● After the water is boiled, drain the noodles.
● Next, throw away the water.
● Then, pour the noodles into the bowl.
● After that, mix the noodles with the seasoning, sauce, and the other ingredients.
● Now, your noodles are ready.How to Register and Join Brainly

Materials :
1. Computer / laptop
2. Internet connection (modem, wifi, or others)
3. An e-mail account

Steps :
1. Turn on your laptop
2. Then, set up an internet connection with wifi/modem
3. Open web browser, then type
4. After that, click register. But remember, you must have at least one e-mail account.
5. Fill the forms.
6. Your brainly account is almost complete, the last step is you need to confirm your e-mail account.
7. Your Brainly account is ready to use.

7. apa sih yang dimaksud simple present text

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung/terjadi pada waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana, kegiatan atau pekerjaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang, kebiasaan sehari-hari, peristiwa atau perbuatan yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan waktu, dan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum.Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. Bentuk kata kerja ini paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris

jika membantu, tolong dijadikan jawaban tercerdas ya!, ;)

8. Buatkan explanation text beserta sosial function,text organization dan simple present

 Contoh Explanation Text beserta Generic Structure dan Language FeaturesTsunami The term of “tsunami” comes from the Japanese which means harbour ("tsu") and wave("nami"). A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or a sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. A tsunami will be generated when the seafloor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. Such large vertical movements of the earth's crust can occur at plate boundaries. Subduction of earthquakes are particularly effective in generating tsunami, and occur where denser oceanic plates slip under continental plates. As the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its equilibrium, it radiates across the ocean like ripples on a pond. Tsunami always bring great damage. Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water  behind the initial wave front, as the height of the sea keeps rising fast and floods powerfully into

9. Please make a simple text of label!tentang report text please??​


The sunflowers are annual plant in the family Asteraceae. They have large flower heads (capitulum).

The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.

The flower head is actually made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets.

The central florets look like the center of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals.

All together they make up a “false flower” or pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it is very easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of seeds.

The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State.

To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.

report text ga ada yang pendek, jadi bisa di bilang ini juga a simple report text :)

10. Text apa yang menggunakan simple future


Simple future tense merupakan tenses untuk menjelaskan suatu peristiwa yang belum mulai dan akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.

11. apa definisi dari simple present dan descriptive text?

# Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada waktu sekarang.

# Descriptive text adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara khusus.Definisi dan tujuan dari teks descriptive ini bisa kita awali dengan arti katasecara lexical.
The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text:
1. Identification: Menidentifikasi phenomena atau benda  atau object tertent yang mau dideskripsikan. Biasanya ini letaknya diawal paragraf.
2. Description: Menjelasakan bagaimana rupa dan ciri-ciri hal yang sedang dideskripsikan tersebut. Secara umum apa yang menjadi patokan penggambaran teks jenis ini adalah bagian-bagian objek (parts),  kuwalitas objek (qualities), atau cicir ciri da kebiasaanya (characteristics).

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang terjadi saat ini (present) pada suatu spesifik waktu. Karena terjadi pada waktu sekarang, maka pasti menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1) dalam susunan kalimatnya.

12. write your simple recount text originally(use simple past tense)......​


Last holiday my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel which was not a long way from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There were three major sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They were truly stunning. We only visited Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries.

Maaf kalo salah

13. make a simple report text​



Motorcycles are descended from the “safety bicycle,” a bicycle with front and rear wheels of the same size and a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel.

There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles are put to use, or the designer’s intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose bike.

Some motorcycles are specially adapted for specific job functions, such as those used by the ambulance, Blood Bikes, fire, and military services, and for specilized delivery services, such as pizza deliveries. Beginning in the 1960s with the Mountain Goat specialised motorcycles were developed for use on farms.

While motorcycles typically have two wheels, some motorized tricycles are classed as three-wheeled motorcycles. Some brands have made various types of three-wheelers direct from the factory. Most of these vehicles are treated as motorcycles for registration or licensing purposes.

maaf salah .....tulis tadi

14. The following text is in the simple present tense. change the text into the simple past tense! ​


it was Sunday morning. Nobody was at home. Feeling bored at home, I called my friends and asked them to fish in the river near my house. I also wanted to show them my new hook. To my surprise, all of them refused it. They said that it was cloudy at the upper course. If heavy rain falls at the upper course, flood might be happen.

Thinking that everything will be fine, I decided to go to the river alone. I looked for a comfortable place to fish. I put bait on my hook and throwed the hook into the river. After waiting for some moment, I cathced a fish. I throwed the hook into the river again. Then, suddenly excessive water came. O, gosh! The flood really came! Being frightened, I left my hook and ran as fast as possible to save myself.

15. Apa perbedaan dari Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Recounts Text, Descriptive Text ?

Simple Present Tense adalah strutur kalimat yang berisi tentang kejadian jang terjadi di masa kini tetapi tidak sedang terjadi
strukturnya :
Subject + Verb1 + Object (+ Adverb)

Present Continous Tense adalah struktur kalimat yang berisi tentang kejadian yang sedang terjadi sekarang
strukturnya :
Subject + to be (am/is/are) + Verb1 + ing + Object (+ Adverb)

Simple Past  Tense adalah struktur kalimat yang berisi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu
strukturnya :
Subject + Verb2 + Object (+ Adverb)

Past Continous Tense adalah struktur kalimat yang berisi tentang kejadian yang sedang terjadi tetapi di masa lalu
strukturnya :
Subject + to be (was/were) + Verb1 + ing + Object (+ Adverb)

Recount Text adalah teks yang berisi tentang pengalaman atau kejadian seseorang di masa lalu yang diceritakan ulang. Biasanya menggunakan struktur simple past tense.

Descriptive Text adalah teks yang berisi tentang deskripsi suatu benda, tempat, atau makhluk hidup tertentu

semoga membantu ^^
jadikan yang terbaik yahh...
Simple Present Tense : digunakan utk kejadian yg selalu berlangsung, kebiasaan, atau kebenaran umum, Present Continuous Tense: utk kejadian yg sedang berlangsung saat ini dan blm selesai, Simple Past Tense : utk kejadian di waktu lampau dan sdh selesai, Past Continuous Tense : utk kejadian yg sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau, Recounts Text : teks yg menceritakan pengalaman penulis di waktu lampau, Descriptive Text : teks yg menceritakan barang/benda scr detail.

16. Create the simple descriptive text.​


The Polar Bear

The Polar Bear is famous for its extraordinary ferocity. They are very much in the arctic oceans. There he is seen not only on land and ice remains, but on ice that floats several leagues in the sea.

These animals feed on fish, seals and whale carcasses; on land, it preys on deer and other animals, and will, like the Black Bear, various kinds of berries. In winter, it places itself deep beneath the snow or the top of the ice, and waits, in a sluggish state, for its return.

The Black Bear lives in the forests of the United States, and is not as big as the Polar Bear or Brown Bear, but lives very much like the Polar Bear.


semoga membantu y hyung ✨

17. contoh text yang ada simple present tense dan simple past tense

simple present : Descriptive text
Simple past tense : Recount text and Narrative textHere i will tell you about my cats, they are Miki and Mario. Miki is older than Mario, which mean, Miki is the older brother of Mario. Miki also fatter than Mario, he also have a longer tail than Mario's tail. Miki have a smoother fur than Mario. They always play together, but it seem like Miki is more active than Mario, Miki is more likely to sleep on my thigh, he love lie there more than Mario do. Sometimes i tickle his stomach or rub his stomach. I love Miki and Mario, they always be my best friend forever, even when they are died, i still remember how cute are they. Mario loves to take a nap on the floor more than Miki does. Mario is a fast-eater, he eat his food ravenous and faster than Miki does. Miki loves being held, while Mario loves being near my feet.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah merupakan simple present tense dan simple past tense

18. În ce stadiu se afla procesul de integrare a României în Uniunea Europeană si in NATO? si vreau raspunsul in romana

nati si integrare romana

19. contoh simple procedural text

INGREDIENTS :·    - 3 – 4 spoonful of flour·    - 2 eggs·    - 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk·    - 1 stick of butter

     MATERIALS :·    - 1 mixing bowl·    - 2 table spoons·    - 2 cups·    - 1 small pan

1. Put the flour in the bowl. 
2. Put milk in a cup. 
3. Make sure it's 250 ml of milk. 
4. Put the milk in the bowl. 
5. Break the 2 eggs into the bowl. 
6. Mix it with a spoon. 
7. Heat up the pan and put the butter 
8. Put the mix in the pan. 
9. Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes
10. Flip pancake over when the top is brown. 
11. Your pancake its ready to be served

20. Saran Procedure text yang simple dong selain makanan .

how to make coffe,artinya bagaimana cara membuat kopiHow to use water pump :cara menggunakan pompa air

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