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Subliniază Verbele Predicative Din Textul De Mai Jos

Subliniază Verbele Predicative Din Textul De Mai Jos

predicative is used​

Daftar Isi

1. predicative is used​

When they are used after a verb such as be, become, grow, look, or seem, they're called predicative: The cat was black.

2. mama xie mai dongxi de danzi ba.....​


Daftar belanja sepatu ibu

maaf kalau salah

3. iata ca pasii te-au purtat prin cartierul marais al parisului,unde ai descoperit cladirea plina de mister a muzeului magiei:colectii de curiozitati,spectacole de magie,jucarii mecanice,iar la finalul vizitei,un curs de magie.odata ajuns acasa,experimenteaza alaturi de parintii tai un truc de magie invatat la curs si apoi realizeaza o prezentare a acestuia in randurile de mai jos.

bahasaaneh dan asing dan bingung

4. cara mrmbuat extra jos dalam bahasa inggris​

♤ How to make Extra Joss ♤


1》Prepare a large size glass.

2》Add one extra joss pack and sweet white condensed milk into the glass.

3》Pour water, then stir until smooth.

4》Add pieces of ice cubes to make it more joss.

5》The extra joss ready to Drinked!


♧ Lebih atau kurangnya mohon dimaafkan ya! ^_^ ♧


A. 1 extra Joss sachet

B. 1 sachet off sweet white condensed milk

C. 125 mL of water

D. Ice cubes to taste

How to make

=> Prepare one large size glasses

=>Put one extra Joss pack and sweet white condensed milk into the glasses

=> Pour water , then stir until smooth

=>Add pleces of ice cubes to make it more Joss

Smga membantu....

5. Permai == ..Apa maknanya Permai ​

-permai artinya elok dan indah

-[permai] Makna permai di KBBI adalah: elok; indah. Contoh: tanah airku yang indah dan permai. Lihat arti dan definisi di jagokata.

Semoga bermanfaat ya jawabanya.

6. iata ca pasii te-au purtat prin cartierul marais al parisului,unde ai descoperit cladirea plina de mister a muzeului magiei:colectii de curiozitati,spectacole de magie,jucarii mecanice,iar la finalul vizitei,un curs de magie.odata ajuns acasa,experimenteaza alaturi de parintii tai un truc de magie invatat la curs si apoi realizeaza o prezentare a acestuia in randurile de mai jos.

ini bahasa apa ya bisa tidak pakai bahasa indonesia

7. Asik asik jos Apa maksudnya?




Asik Asik Jos merupakan cuplikan lirik dari lagu dangdut.

Maaf ya kalo salah:)


artinya minum Kopi lgsung melek

8. Bahasa Indonesia mama mai le hen duo mei li de hua​


Ibu membeli banyak bunga yang indah



9. watashi wa uchi de kara mai nichi 6 ji goro apa artinya

saya setiap hari bangun jam 6

10. 1. jos............Arti kata disampingadalah​




11. write three sentences using atribute adjective and three sentencea using predicative abjective!​


Good luck and sty in the home

Adjectives in the first position - before the noun - are called ATTRIBUTIVE adjectives. Those in the second position - after the noun - are called PREDICATIVE adjectives. Notice that predicative adjectives do not occur immediately after the noun. Instead, they follow a verb.

Sometimes an adjective does occur immediately after a noun, especially in certain institutionalised expressions:

the Governor General

the Princess Royal

times past

We refer to these as POSTPOSITIVE adjectives. Postposition is obligatory when the adjective modifies a pronoun:

something useful

everyone present

those responsible

Postpositive adjectives are commonly found together with superlative, attributive adjectives:

the shortest route possible

the worst conditions imaginable

the best hotel available

Most adjectives can freely occur in both the attributive and the predicative positions. However, a small number of adjectives are restricted to one position only. For example, the adjective main (the main reason) can only occur in the attributive position (predicative: *the reason is main). Conversely, the adjective afraid (the child was afraid) can only occur predicatively (attributive: *an afraid child).

12. 15.Dermed din budaya dan ASEANSada per SEAMeddasdePembun dabiskow6. Memberikan pendidikan segala​


kirim ulang kak soalnya, tidak dapat dipahami

13. tuliskan 7 contoh kalimat present participle untuk predicative !


Present Participle dalam Present Tense

1. Present Continuous Tense

I am reading an article.

Saya sedang membaca sebuah artikel

You are reading an article.

Kamu sedang membaca sebuah artikel.

She is reading an article.

Dia (perempuan) sedang membaca sebuah artikel.

He is are reading an article.

Dia (laki-laki)sedang membaca sebuah artikel.

We are reading an article.

Kami sedang membaca sebuah artikel.

They are reading an article.

Mereka sedang membaca sebuah artikel.

2. Present perfect continuous tense

I have been reading an article the whole night.

Saya telah membaca artikel ini semalaman.

You have been reading an article the whole night.

Kamu telah membaca artikel ini semalaman.

She has been reading an article the whole night.

Dia (perempuan) telah membaca artikel ini semalaman.

He has been reading an article the whole night.

Dia (laki-laki) telah membaca artikel ini semalaman.

We have been reading an article the whole night.

Kami telah membaca artikel ini semalaman.

They have been membacaan article the whole night.

Mereka telah membaca artikel ini semalaman.

Present participle pada past tense

1. Past continuous tense

I was going to see the drama the opera last night.

Saya (tengah) pergi menonton drama ke opera kemarin malam.

You were going to the opera last night.

Kamu (tengah) pergi menonton drama ke opera kemarin malam.

She was going to the opera last night.

Dia (perempuan) (tengah) pergi menonton drama ke opera kemarin malam.

He was going to the opera last night.

Dia (laki-laki) (tengah) pergi menonton drama ke opera kemarin malam.

We were going to the opera last night.

Kami (tengah) pergi menonton drama ke opera kemarin malam.

They were going to the opera last night.

Mereka (tengah) pergi menonton drama ke opera kemarin malam.

2. Past perfect continuous tense

I had been going to see the show at the opera since I was a child.

Saya telah pergi menonton pertunjukan di opera sejak sayakecil.

You had been going to the opera since you were a child.

Kamu telah pergi menonton pertunjukan di opera sejak kamu kecil.

She had been going to the opera since she was a child.

Dia (perempuan) telah pergi pergi menonton pertunjukan di opera sejak dia kecil.

He had been going to the opera since he was a child.

Dia (laki-laki) telah pergi pergi menonton pertunjukan di opera sejak dia kecil.

We had been going to the opera since we were a child.

Kami telah pergi menonton pertunjukan di opera sejak kami kecil.

They had been going to the opera since they were a child.

Mereka telah pergi menonton pertunjukan di opera sejak mereka kecil.

Present participle pada future tense

1. Simple future tense

I am going to Jakarta next week.

Saya akan pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

You are going to Jakarta next week.

Kamu akan pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

She is going to Jakarta next week.

Dia (perempuan) akan pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

He is going to Jakarta next week.

Dia(laki-laki) akan pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

We are going to Jakarta next week.

Kami akan pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

They are going to Jakarta next week.

Mereka akan pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

2. Future continous tense

I shall be going to Jakarta next week.

Saya akan (tengah) pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

You will be going to Jakarta next week.

Kamu akan (tengah) pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

She will be going to Jakarta next week.

Dia (perempuan) akan (tengah) pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

He will be going to Jakarta next week.

Dia (laki-laki) akan (tengah) pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

We shall be going to Jakarta next week.

Kami akan (tengah) pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

They will be going to Jakarta next week.

Mereka akan (tengah) pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.

14. nama lain tari din din ba din din?​








15. Ce se intimpla cu clorura de potasiu si hidroxidul de potasiu in timpul: a)topirii; b)dizolvarii in apa? Compara aceste procese . Care va fi conductibilitatea electrica a acestor topituri si solutii ? Scrie ecuatiile de disociere. Prin ce se deosebesc ionii din cristale de ioni din solutie ?

This is a Brainly Indonesia.. So, We are don't know your talking about..

16. Pak Jos bekerja proyek diperumahan digaji Rp.540.000,00 selama seminggu(6hari). a. Berapa gaji Pak Jos dalam 1 hari? b. Berapa hari Pak Jos bekerja, jika dia mendapatkan gaji sebesar Rp.810.000,00

Terima kasih. Sukses selalu

17. mai asa wa ei-go de nan desuka

N5 Level A || Bab: 11

• bertanya bahasa

=== Jawaban ===

質問: 『毎朝』は英語で何ですか (shitsumon: "mai asa" wa eigo de nan desu ka?)
↪ Artinya:
• Pertanyaan: "Mai asa" dalam bahasa Inggris itu apa? ✔

>>> Kita bisa jawab..

答え: 『Every morning』です (kotae: "Every morning" desu)
↪ Jawaban: yaitu "Every morning" ✔

❇ Penjelasan:
↪ Partikel "de" di sini berfungsi sebagai pengartian "menjadi" untuk menyatakan perubahan.

❇ Kata kunci:
↪毎朝 (mai asa): setiap pagi
↪ 英語 (eigo): bahasa Inggris.

Semoga membantu✔
Maaf bila kurang memuaskan.

18. diketahui titik D = (-2.3.7) din titik E (4.-5.1). Tentukan Vetter Satulh yang seirih dengan Vektor DE.


[tex]( \frac{6}{2 \sqrt{34} } , - \frac{8}{2 \sqrt{34} } ,- \frac{6}{2 \sqrt{34} } )[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


D = (-2,3,7)

E = (4,-5,1)


vektor satuan yang searah dengan DE


DE = E - D = (4,-5,1) - (-2,3,7) = (6,-8,-6)


[tex]a = \frac{1}{ |a| } (a)[/tex]


[tex]\frac{1}{ |(6, - 8, - 6)| } (6, - 8, - 6) \\ \frac{1}{ \sqrt{ {6}^{2} + {( - 8)}^{2} + {( - 6)}^{2} } } (6, - 8, - 6) \\ \frac{1}{ \sqrt{36 + 64 + 36} } (6, - 8, - 6) \\ \frac{1}{ \sqrt{136} } (6, - 8, - 6) \\ \frac{1}{ \sqrt{4 \times 34} } (6, - 8, - 6) \\ \frac{1}{2 \sqrt{34} } (6, - 8, - 6) \\ ( \frac{6}{2 \sqrt{34} } , - \frac{8}{2 \sqrt{34} } ,- \frac{6}{2 \sqrt{34} } )[/tex]

19. QUIZ (JOS)susunan dari kata:-alay-gajee ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


jumblah huruf:4!

unsur ganda:2=a


=12 susunan


jumblah huruf:5!

unsur ganda:2=e


=60 susunan






UnsurGanda =2!










Total Huruf=5!

UnsurGanda =2!












20. priveste atent imaginea termometrului de laborator din figura 3.9 care esyebvaloarea unei diviziuni?

what language is that? bahasa apaan tuh?

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