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Ce Inseamna Direct Proportional

Ce Inseamna Direct Proportional

apa yang di maksud proportional sampling

1. apa yang di maksud proportional sampling

adalah pengambilan sampel yang memperhatikan pertimbangan unsur-unsur atau kategori dalam populasi penelitian

2. proportional simple random sampling ADALAH

pemgambilan sample yang memperhatikan pertimbangan unsur unsur atau kategori dalam populasi penelitian

3. Definisi direct statmen, direct question, and direct command?

Maaf jika tidak bisa banyak membantu

4. CE/CE+5=12/15 Batuin yah

CE / (CE + 5) = 12 / 15

15 x CE = 12 (CE + 5)

15 CE = 12 CE + 60

(15 - 12) CE = 60

3 CE = 60

CE = 60 : 3 = 20

5. my father gave me the money yesterday change into: (+)passive,direct,indirect(+) (-)passive, direct, indirect (-) (?)passive direct indirect (?) (question word)passive direct indirect (question word)

1. Passive direct
The money was given to my father.

2. Passive indirect
My father was given the money.

6. apa itu direct speech​


Direct speech atau quoted speech merupakan sebuah kutipan langsung dari ucapan seseorang yang ditandai dengan quotation mark (").


semg terbnnntu..

7. Jelaskan maksud dari sistem pemerintahan direct rule dan in direct rule!


* sistem pemerintahan direct rule adalah sistem pemerintahan secara lqngsung

# pemerintahan secara lqngsung adalah pemerintahan di mana setiap wilayah masing masing memiliki pemerintahannya sendiri

* sistem pemerintahan in direct rule adalah pemerintahan secara tidak langsung

# pemerintahan tidak langsung adalah pemerintahan dimana pemerintah itu di pimpin oleh seorang gubernur jenderal yang memerintah gubernur ,setelah itu gubernur memerintah keresidenan dan keresidenan memerintah raja dan bupati

good luck

8. Apa itu direct di komputer?

Direct adalah hubungan langsung antara unit ke unit

Contoh, Conecting betwen two Cpu using direct connection.
berarti hubungkan komputer ke komputer menggunakan koneksi langsung.penggunaan dan pembelajaran dalam komputer

9. 1. Pengertian dari direct hit? 2. Kelebihan dari direct hit? 3. Kelemahan dari direct hit?

1.adalah search engine yang melayani portal web utama dan web publik dengan cara mengintegrasikan URL dengan situs favorit user
2.langsung dapat menetukan URL dengan situs favorit atau recommend web yang sering dikunjungi tanpa langsung menuju web tsb
3.mudah terserang malware apabila URL yang dimaksud bermasalah


10. Contoh bentuk congratulation hope and wish dalam bentuk direct dan direct​

Expression of congratulation, hope, and wish

Hey friends here I want to teach you how to use the correct corangtulation hope and wish expressions

Read carefully okay :)

Pengertian dan contoh dialog congratulation, hope, and wish

What Is an Expression of Congratulations?

Expression of Congratulations is an expression that we use give the congratulation utterance when he or she be succeed in doing someone.

Here are some expressions of congratulations and their proper response.


11. buat lah 10 soal dan jawaban tentang DIRECT AND DIRECT

1. Mario said me, “Should I go?” . We can conclude that….

a. Mario said me, whether he Should go
b. Mario said me whether I Should go
c. Mario said me that he Should have gone
d. Mario said me,to she Should have gone
e. Mario said me whether he Should have gone

Jawaban : E

2. Tina said Eko, “why May you give the permitting to them to take all?”. What did Tina say to Eko …

a. Tina said Eko why you might give the permitting to them to take all
b. Tina said Eko why he might give the permitting to them to take all
c. Tina said Eko why he might have given the permitting to them to take all
d. Tina said Eko why she might give the permitting to them to take all
e. Tina said Eko why she might have given the permitting to them to take all

Jawaban : D

3. Aurelia said Fino, “where Can I buy this hat now?”. We know that….

a. Aurelia said Fino where she could buy that hat, then
b. Aurelia said Fino where she could have bought that hat, then
c. Aurelia said Fino where she could buy this hat, now
d. Aurelia said Fino where he could buy that hat, then
e. Aurelia said Fino where he could have bought that hat, then

Jawaban : A

4. Riana asked Ubbay, “when Will we join the students organization ?”. We can conclude that…..

a. Riana asked Ubbay when we Would join the students organization
b. Riana asked Ubbay when they Would join the students organization
c. Riana asked Ubbay when we Would have joined the students organization
d. Riana asked Ubbay when they Would have joined the students organization
e. Riana asked Ubbay when they Would have been joined the students organization

Jawaban: B

5. Wida said Carel, “why Will you marry me?”. We can conclude that….

a. Wida said Carel she would marry him
b. Wida said Carel she would have married him
c. Wida said Carel he would have married her
d. Wida said Carel he would marry her
e. Wida said Carel to he would marry her

Jawaban : D

6. Yumna said Fairuz , “when Shall I come to your home?”. We can conclude that….

a. Yumna said Fairuz when she Shall I come to your home
b. Yumna said Fairuz when She have come to your home?”
c. Yumna said Fairuz when She come to his home?”
d. Yumna said Fairuz when She should have come to his home
e. Yumna said Fairuz when She should come to his home

Jawaban : E

7. Chelsy said Nisa , “when should we follow the party?”. We know that….

a. Chelsy said Nisa when they should have followed the party
b. Chelsy said Nisa when she should have followed the party
c. Chelsy said Nisa that when they should have followed the party
d. Chelsy said Nisa to when they should have followed the party
e. Chelsy said Nisa whether they should have followed the party

Jawaban : A

8. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti , “How might you enter to study in Lampung University last month?”. We can conclude that….

a. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti How you might enter to study in Lampung University the month before
b. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti How she might have entered to study in Lampung University the month before
c. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti how he might have entered to study in Lampung University the month before
d. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti how he might enter to study in Lampung University last month?”
e. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti how might she have enter to study in Lampung University the month before

Jawaban : B

9. Lutfiah said Denny, “when Would you call to your sister?”.We can conclude that….

a. Lutfiah said Denny when she Would have called to your sister
b. Lutfiah said Denny when he Would have called l to your sister
c. Lutfiah said Denny when she Would have called to her sister?”
d. Lutfiah said Denny when he Would have called to his sister?”
e. Lutfiah said Denny when she Would call to her sister?”

Jawaban : D

10. Mario said me, “why Should I go?”. We can conclude that….

a. Mario said me, why he Should go
b. Mario said me why I Should have gone
c. Mario said me why he Should have been gone
d. Mario said me,to he Should have gone
e. Mario said me why he Should have gone

Jawaban: E

semoga membantu , saya menjawab dari lks bahasa inggris saya :) makasih

12. Badri kanna' ce' penterra. Tape rusdi ce'




tidak ada penjelasan


opo renginang


aga massu'na iyyeee?

13. The doll has a slim and proportional body.


Boneka tersebut punya tubuh ramping dan proporsional


Jika yang dimaksud bertanya arti dalam bahasa Indonesia

maka jawabannya seperti di atas.

Semoga bermanfaat dan sesuai harapan.

14. The energy stored in a spring is directly proportional to


The constant spring (K)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The formula of potential (stored) energy in a spring (PE) can be defined as

PE = ½ kx²

Thus, the PE in a spring is directly proportional to the constant spring (k) and proportional to the square of extended distance in the spring.

15. Sebutkan dan jelaskan 3 (tiga) kelemahan sistem proportional representation


1. Melahirkan wakil rakyat karbitan yang masih belajar.

2. Realitas kondisi masyarakat yang masih lapar dan miskin.

3. Dapat menyebabkan terjadinya persaingan yang kurang sehat (politik destruktif).


1. Melahirkan wakil rakyat karbitan yang masih belajar.

Belum teruji dan sebagian bukan kader terbaik partai, sehingga terpilih wakil yang gagal menjaga pintu (gate keepers) moral dan tanggung jawab, alih alih perjuangkan rakyat, fungsi pengawasan pun tidak maksimal.

2. Realitas kondisi masyarakat yang masih lapar dan miskin.

Hal ini menyebabkan kecenderungan memilih wakil pemilik modal dan berduit, mengabaikan soal fatsun politik, moralitas apalagi kapasitas.

3. Dapat menyebabkan terjadinya persaingan yang kurang sehat (politik destruktif).

Hal ini dapat terjadi seperti dengan antar caleg dalam satu partai, tabiat ganjil kontestasi sesama caleg satu partai, bukan berperang dengan partai lain.

semoga membantuu:)

16. direct and direct speech

She said, "I saw him." (direct speech)
She said that she had seen him. (indirect speech)

17. Direct agreement adalah​


Directly described and judge with negative, rude, and impolite words.


Langsung menggambarkan dan menilai dengan kata-kata negatif, kasar, dan tidak sopan.

18. Pengertian Direct And Indirect Rumus Direct And Indirect Contoh Direct And Indirect

- direct speech merupakan cara untuk melaporkan apa yang orang telah katakan atau tulis berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya dengan mengutip persis perkataan nya.  sebaliknya pada indirect speech adalah perkataan disampaikan dengan mengubah format nya agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengar nya.
- "I'll be back soon," he said ( direct speech )
  He said that he would be back soon ( indirect speech )

19. 20 contoh soal direct in direct speech

Did they eat out together yesterday?
a. He asked me if they had eaten out yesterday.
b. He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before.
c. He asked me if they has eaten out together the day before.
d. He asked me if they have eaten out together the day before.

2. Don’t turn off the light now.
a. He told me don’t turn off the light at that time.
b. He told me not to turn off the light at that time.
c. He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time.
d. He told me didn’t turn off the light at now.

3. What’s your passion?
a. She wanted to know what is my passion.
b. She wanted to know what was my passion.
c. She wanted to know what my passion was.
d. She wanted to know what was my passion.

4. I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity.
a. He asked me that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
b. He wanted to know if he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
c. He said that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
d. He said that I began to understand the concept of biodiversity.

20. Apa+itu+direct+command


request direct speech

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