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Identifica In Text Secventa In Care Sunt Mentionate Trasaturile Fizice

Identifica In Text Secventa In Care Sunt Mentionate Trasaturile Fizice

what does the word "take care" in the text mean?

Daftar Isi

1. what does the word "take care" in the text mean?

Mungkin "Be carefull" "keep"Take care ---> the meaning is "be carefull" , be carefull when to do something .... (Jaga diri )

semoga membantu ^_^

2. In perechi , vorbesc despre modul in care animalele se protejeze

Berpasangan, berbicara tentang bagaimana
melindungi hewan

3. tolong plis in ase care​


Luas persegi = sisi x sisi

Luas persegi = 16 cm x 16 cm

Luas persegi = 256 cm^2


D) 256

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Berikut Cara-caranya


L = s × s atau L = s²


L = 16 × 16 atau L = 16² = 256 cm²



4. The nurse ... ( care ) her patients in the hospital patiently.​


The nurse take care her parents in the hospital patiently


Artinya:Perawat merawat pasien dirumah sakit dengan sabar

5. They take care of ………………young in a special way


They take care of the young in a special way.


6. a man who takes care of animals in the sovannah​


arti dari kata kata nya?

seorang pra yang merawat binatang di kebunbinatang/sovannah

Penjelasan: seorang penjaga kebun binatang bisa di sebut juga sebagai mandor

maaaf yan kalo salah pengertian:)

did u mean savana? savana means a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees. atau dalam bahasa indonesianya SABANA. yaitu padang rumput yang dipenuhi oleh semak atau perdu dan diselingi oleh beberapa jenis pohon yang tumbuh menyebar

7. what are in the health care unit​


apa yang ada di unit perawatan kesehatan?


semoga membantu ya

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

8. hendro takes care patients in the hospital. he is a....??

Karena tugasnya adalah merawat (takes care) pasien, bukan memeriksa (examine), maka pekerjaan Hendro adalah:
hendro takes care patients in the hospital. he is a DOCTOR
"may be useful"

9. showing care card about lose in competition

Iam sorry to hear that, never give up, another time you can win,keep spirit

10. 1.How does the rose look like in text 1??? 2.How does the writer take care of her rose??? 3.How does the dog look like in text 2??? 4.What does dana do to take care of his pet??? 5.In Text 2,what food does the dog love to eat??


1. Bagaimana mawar terlihat seperti dalam teks 1? 2. Bagaimana penulis merawat mawarnya? 3. Bagaimana dog terlihat seperti di teks 2? 4. Apa yang dana lakukan untuk merawat hewan peliharaannya? 5. Di teks 2, makanan apa yang disukai dog

11. Berikan contoh dialog giving care/simphaty in english

A : Hi, how are you today?
B : Hi, I'm fine. Thank you
A :  I heard that yesterday you was sick, are you feeling better now?
B : Yeah, I visit the doctor already yesterday.
A : Oh thats good to hear.
B : Thanks for your concern A.
A : You're welcome.

12. in what ways can we care for the envinment?

Keep Everywhere In The Life To Put and Take your life to be beautiful

1.Appreciate others in your life.
2.Try to be kind to others.
3.Do good for others.
4.Help people who need help.

13. dezvolta intrun text coerent de 12-14 rinduri idea:,,Scoala este scoica solara in care ne descoperim propriile comori". ,,Speranta si credinta valori de seama pentru acei care dovedesc sa ajunga in imparatia lui Dumneze".

mengembangkan teks yang koheren dari 12-14 baris ide: shell surya ,, Sekolah adalah tempat kita menemukan harta kita ",, Harapan dan nilai-nilai iman memperhitungkan mereka yang berubah untuk masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Dumna.".

14. the health care products aisle in a supermarket has

b.indonesia: gang produk perawatan kesehatan di supermarket

15. artinya the patient of convd 19 care in the .......... *​


artinya itu, pasien covid19 dirawat di.......


semoga terbantuu

jika merasa puas bisa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa terimakasiihh




16. in what ways can we care for the envirinmen?

we can taking care with the environment by throw our trash in the place where it should be

How do we care our invironment?

-Use less water while you taking a bath (i mean don't waste it for unimportant thing)

-Use less energy at home while day

-Make less rubbish

-Use eco bag while you were shopping at groceries

-Recycle anything that you can recycle

-If you can't find a bin, take your rubbish at home

-Don't litter anywhere

-Plant little or tiny plant (do not have to tiny tho)

there's so many ways to care your invironment:) have a great day peeps

17. in what field is the adult care centere angaged ?

The field of medicine..

itu jawabannya_?

18. Yasin Fadhil takes care patient in the hospital.He is a.......​


doctor / nurse

maaf klo salah yha




Because he's just taking care of the patient.

19. Choose the best answer.the health care in the city is ... than the health care in the countryside.a.betterb.more betterc.the bestd.the most good​

Answer:a. better

The health care in the city is better(a)than the health care in the countryside.


Untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yang membentuk degree of comparison dapat diperhatikan dari adanya than dimana ini merupakan kata yang membantu keberlangsungan perbandingan antara subyek dengan obyek.

Dengan memerhatikan kunci berikut:

positive: as + adjective + ascomparative (1): adjective-er + thancomparative (2): more adjective + thansuperlative (1): the + adjective-estsuperlative (2): the + most adjective

Kata sifat (adjective) yang terdapat pada opsi merupakan bentuk positive degree dari good bahwa kata ini berada di letak nomor 3.


—> jawabannya: a.

~Thank you and hope this can help you.

Have a nice day!~

20. I DONT CARE IN YOUR LIVE artinya adalah

saya tidak peduli dengan hidup anda.aku tidak peduli dalam hidupmu

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