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Find And Correct The Mistake In Each Sentence

Find And Correct The Mistake In Each Sentence

Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. ​

Daftar Isi

1. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. ​

1.Can i have a glass of water please(tidak pakai a didepan kata water)

2ive travelled to more than ten countries(tidak pakai kata “already”)

3.we have been living here for 3 years
(simple present progressive)

4. i went to a party last night
(harus pakai verb 2 karena simple past bukan past perfect)

5.this is my bicycle i have been owning this for 2 years (diubah karena kalimat yang tidak baku maka diubah menjadi simple present progressive)’s important to eat a lots of fruit if you want to be healthy (ditambahkan s di kata “lot” dan menghilangkan the sebelum kata “fruit”)

semoga membantu

2. find the mistake in each sentence (part5)

Part 5

1. Where do your three brothers go?
2. Dimas doesn't need a motorcycle. he has a car.
3. She sleeps well.
4. she does not know me.
5. Yollin lives in japan.
6. Does your mother cook dinner everyday?
7. Do Ms. Tata and her son come here?
8. Ms. Tata and her son come to the party.
9. Noella doesn't like too much sugar.
10. Where does your sister study?

3. Correct one mistake in each sentence

Perbaiki satu kesalahan di setiap kalimat

4. There are mistake in some of these sentence. Find the mistake in each sentence 1.Are the children asleep yet? 2.10 kilometers is along way to walk 3.I buy 2 kilo of Strawberry's


nomer 2 -> "10 kilometers is a long way to walk"

nomer 3  -> "I <will buy / bought> 2 kilos of strawberries"

5. Correct the mistake and retype the sentence. || Last weekend, I play football in the park


Last weekend, I played soccer in the park


artinya : Akhir pekan yang lalu, saya bermain sepak bola di taman


perbaiki kesalahan dan ketik ulang kalimat.akhir pekan lalu saya bermain sepak bola di taman


jangan lupa jadiin jawaban tercedas okay

6. underline the mistake in every sentence and correct it.

1. Invite - Invited
2. Has - Have
3. Twice in a week - twice a week
4. Were - Was
5. Forbidden - is forbidden
6. Send - sent
7. Open Boony - opened by Boony
8. Did - is
9. Was - were
10. Have fed - have been fed

7. find and correct one mistake in each text(6) aja

What do you do after school

8. Find the mistake and write the correct passive sentence. we have been together since we were borned bantu ya ges:)


We have been to together since we were born

9. find the mistake in the sentences below and write the correct the sentence 1.are she doctor? 2 Does they work in the bank everday


1. is she a doctor

2. do they work in the bank everyday


jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ka


1. is she a doctor

2. Do they work in the bank everyday



10. find and correct the mistakes in the sentences one sentence is correct​


5,6 Correct

4. The seats in here aren't too big as our chairs at home


5. the music in the film was too loud

6. most documentaries aren't interesting enough

11. In each sentence, underlined the subject and circle the correct verb. Please help


need, enters, is, is, gives

12. Task 6 Find the mistake,underline it and write the correct word.​


b.Cans=Can dihilangkan

d.not can=can not

e.Can they swim fast?

f.ate=eat dihilangkan


a. swimming // swim

b. cans // can

c. to play // play

d. not can // can not

e. swim they // they swim

f. ate // eat

g. to cook // cook


(+) S + can + V

(-) S + can not + V

(?) can + S + V + ?

13. activity 3. find the wrong word and correct it in the following each sentence​

1. Wrong word = whom

Correct word = which

2. Wrong word = who

Correct word = whom

3. Wrong word = whose

Correct word = where

4. Wrong word = whom

Correct word = who

5. Wrong word = who

Correct word = which

6. Wrong word = which

Correct word = who

7. Wrong word = whose

Correct word = who

14. Find one mistake in this sentence, and rewrite the correct sentence.1. Jenna couldn't help bought those cute souvenirs.2. Do clean towels provided by the hotel?​


1. Jenna couldn't help buy those cute souvenirs.

2. Are clean towels provided by the hotel?​


1. verb help jika dilanjutkan dengan verb, harus berbentuk infinitive, yaitu verb dalam bentuk asli/asal, tanpa dipengaruhi oleh tense.

Jadi walupun kalimat di atas adalah dalam past tense (terlihat dari penggunaan couldn't (past dari can't), tapi kata bought harus dalam infinitive, yaitu buy (membeli)

Contoh lain: I helped her sell the car. (Saya membantunya menjual mobil itu)

Walaupun kalimatnya past tense (disana dipakai helped, verb 2) tapi verb setelah help harus dalam bentuk verb asal (infinitve), yaitu sell. Jadi bukan sold.

2. Ini kalimat passive yang artinya "apakah handuk basa disediakan oleh hotel?"

Untuk kalimat passive maka tidak dipakai auxiliary do/does atau did, tapi menggunakan tob be IS/AM/ARE (present) atau WAS/WERE (past) atau HAVE BEEN/HAS BEEN (perfect tense), atau WILL BE (future tense)

Jadi kalimat yang benar adalah: Are clean towels provided by the hotel?​

Kenapa are? Karena ini adalah kalimat dalam simple present tense (dalam hal ini digunakan untuk sesuatu kebenaran yg bersifat umum, atau kebiasaaan). Kenapa bukan IS, atau AM? Karena subjek kalimat adalah towels (kata benda jamak)

Semoga bermanfaat

15. find the mistake and write the correct sentence !A.we is from acehplis tolong dibantu jawab!!!​


yang bener itu

We are from aceh

Kalo is itu buat he, she, Dan it

Contoh nya kek

She is from Aceh atauhe is from aceh

16. Find and correct the mistakes in each of these sentences


1. More Easily

2. a

3. cleaner and safer

4. take out most and leave it like that

5. Worst

6. better


4. without most it already makes sense

5. There is no such thing as worser

6. take out more and well cos it just doesn't make sense

I deeply apologies if it is wrong U^U



It should be : Do you play any sports?

18. 1. My father loves fotography.him also love traveling. (Find and correct the mistake/s). 2. Me miss my boyfriend.she studying abroad. (Find and correct the mistake/s.

1. My father loves photography.he also loves traveling.

2. I miss my boyfriend.he is studying abroad.

1.him > he (first sentence usually start with subject not pronoun)

love > loves ( V + s/es in simple present tenses) > I (first sentence usually start with subject not pronoun)

she > he ( because the pronoun 'boyfriend' refers with 'he', and 'girlfriend' refers with 'she')

19. find and correct the mistake.​


1. What happened to your leg?

2. My grandmother died last year.

3. Last night, Ida had fried rice for supper.

4. Yesterday, I spent two hours doing my homework.

5. Last week, my father fixed my neighbor's fence.

6. She was born in 1991.

7. I ate lunch at noon today.

8. Sorry, I didn't hear you knocking at the door.

9. I studied French when I was a child.

10. Did you live in Solo when you were a kid?

20. Find the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct sentences. An tuna sandwich, please. ................................................................................Two cheese sandwich and a hot dog. ................................................................................ When the next train to London? ...................................................​


A tuna sandwich, please.

Bukan an tuna tapi a tuna karena "t" itu bukan huruf vokal.

Both cheese sandwich and a hot dog.

When is the next train to london

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