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Schimb De Experienta Intre Scoli

Schimb De Experienta Intre Scoli

SOAL:Fill in the blankwith suitable PREDICATE of Simple Present Tense, Qsilah soal berikutdengan predihat Simple Present Tense)l. They_the store at 8 everymoming.2. My sister_ Fnglish very well.3. My birthday in June.4. She _ her car to office every day.5. Dogs _ good friends.6. Dmiel adLiz-hryy.7. Creorge _to Pais once a year.8. Thebaby_ev€rynigh9. Ib meclmics intre gragp.10. Cs _ to sleep in fu afternoon11. I^aura _ th most beauiful girl in this class.12. Christopher and his family vacation every year.13. Jane the dishes every morning before leaving for school.14. You_ a smafi boy.15. Do you _ movies every night?likeworkisdriveswatchwashescriesisareopeahavespeaksareleavesseem​

Daftar Isi

1. SOAL:Fill in the blankwith suitable PREDICATE of Simple Present Tense, Qsilah soal berikutdengan predihat Simple Present Tense)l. They_the store at 8 everymoming.2. My sister_ Fnglish very well.3. My birthday in June.4. She _ her car to office every day.5. Dogs _ good friends.6. Dmiel adLiz-hryy.7. Creorge _to Pais once a year.8. Thebaby_ev€rynigh9. Ib meclmics intre gragp.10. Cs _ to sleep in fu afternoon11. I^aura _ th most beauiful girl in this class.12. Christopher and his family vacation every year.13. Jane the dishes every morning before leaving for school.14. You_ a smafi boy.15. Do you _ movies every night?likeworkisdriveswatchwashescriesisareopeahavespeaksareleavesseem​

1. Open

2. Speaks

3. Is

4. Drives

5. Are

6. Seem

7. Leaves

8. Cries

9. Work

10. Like

11. Is

12. Have

13. Washes

14. Are

15. Watch

2. Practice this dialogue. know about the traffic management Arya? : Do you Ana No. I don't. Is it important to us? Arva : Can you explain it, Yudhi? odhi : Yes, sure. People and vehicles usually have something wrong intre fic if they know about the traffic management. Mudhi : Ok. Actually, one of the traffic managements is traffic accidents. It is really seriously fact that it makes us losing soul and money Anya : What are the factors? Yudhi : The factors are because of human factors, vehicle factors, road fac tors, and weather factors. i . Yudhi : Yes, you are right, Arya. Anya Oh I see. The factors are n tion and traffic provision, and pollution of the environment. Arya : Let's manage our traffic. Yudhi : Yes, of course.1. who are the persons in the dialogue?2. what are they talking about?3. what is one of the traffic mamagements?4. what factor does influence the traffic accident?5. what are some problems about the traffic?​


2.About traffic signs

3.Bring sim

4.Not wearing a helmet

5.Running a red light

Maaf kalo salah

Semoga membantu^^

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