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Fill In The Correct Word From The List Below

Fill In The Correct Word From The List Below

Fill in the blake with the right word from the list below

1. Fill in the blake with the right word from the list below

mana fotonya (?) mohon berikan keterangan yang lengkap ketika bertanya ya

2. fill in the blanks with the right Word from the list below beserta soal Dan jawaban

ni kita yg buat soal sama jawaban sendiri?

3. vocalbulary exercises beserta jawabannnya tentang fill in the blanks with the right word from the list below

there is no lis below I'm so sorry

4. Word Formation : Nouns Fill in the correct form of the word :​

15. Performance
16. Appearance
17. Decision
18. Marriage
19. Construction
20. Behavior
21. Departure
22. Discussion
23. Signature
24. Requirements
25. Management
26. Refusal
27. Swimmer
28. Entrance
29. Delivery
30. Knowledge
31. Proof
32. Explanation
33. Arrangement
34. Comparison
35. Assistance
36. Demonstration
37. Improvement

5. Please fill in the blank with the correct word in the boxes!​


1. mane

2. paws

3. promised

1. Mane
2. Paws
3. Promised

6. Fill in the blanks below with thecorrect answer!1. The snow falls from the sky. Itis .....​




snow = salju

salju turun saat musim dingin

musim dingin= winter

jadikan yg terbaik

semoga membantu


winter musim salju



7. Choose the correct word in the box below to fill the blanks! mohon bantuannya kak


1 Alternative energy


setidak nya kamu terbantu ya (:


maaf kalo salah ya (:

8. fill in the blanks with the correct word !

10. is or are
semoga benae

9. Choose the correct adjectives from the below list to match the picture​


embarrassed (Malu) Tired (Lelah) Angry (Marah) HelpFul (Menolong) Worried (Cemas) Fed Up (Kesal)


Mapel : Bhs Inggris

Semoga membantu

10. Fill in the blanks with the correct word in the box!

1. Distance
2. Bored
3. Playing
4. Fun
5. Work
6. Tried
7. Help
8. Fright
9. Mean
10. Lost



1. concentrate

2. run out of

3. switch off

4. reactor

5. plug

6. capacity

7. consume

8. process

9. renewable

10. alternative

maaf kalo salah :)

12. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Change the word to the correct form.​

(1) go

(2) Enjoy

3. to be impressed

4. serve

5. arrive

6. recieve

7. spend

8. recieve

9. go

10. have

11. arrive

12. to be impressed

13. enjoy

14. arrive

15. be

16. spend

17. make

18. go

19 feel

maaf kalo salah

13. fill in the blank with the correct word!​


yg pertama "Name"

yg kedua diisi tempat lahir kamu

yg ketiga diisi tanggal lahir kamu, contoh: january 12, 2003

yg keempat diisi "Class"

yg kelima diisi alamat rumah kamu

14. fill in the blanks with the correct word from taks 17​


pilihan jawaban nya mana.

15. fill in the blanks with the correct word from taks 17​


isi di kolom dengan kata yang tepat dari no 17

16. arti inggris dari fill in each blank with the correct from of the word in the brackets

isi setiap kosong dengan bentuk kata yang benar dalam tanda kurung

isi setiap kosong dengan bentuk kata yang benar dalam tanda kurung


17. Fill in the blanks with the correct word in the box!


18. Put the sentences below in the correct list​


Instruction) - Wipe the whiteboard, please. - Dry your hands. - Put the tools back in place. - Write the date on the top right. - Sweep the floor.

Asking someone to do something) - Can you come to my party tomorrow night? - Let's go to the library. - Why don't we go to the canteen now? - Let's visit grandma today. - Can you go with me to the park this afternoon?

Prohibition) - Don't stop here. - Don't run along the aisle. - Don't step on the grass. - Don't sit on the table. - Don't be noisy.

Asking for permission) - May I go home earlier today? - May I borrow your pen, please? - May I stay up late, Mum? - May I go to the restroom, please? - Can you lend me your sharpener?


Instruction biasanya berupa kalimat perintah (bukan kalimat tanya).

Kalimat asking someone to do something lazimnya berupa kalimat tanya, namun bisa juga kalimat persuasif dan biasa diawali dengan kata "Let's", "Can", "Why don't", dll.

Prohibition merupakan kalimat larangan yang hampir mirip dengan kalimat instructions, hanya saja diawali dengan kata "Don't".

Kalimat asking for permission berawalan dengan "May", "Can", ataupun "Could" dan merupakan kalimat tanya.

19. put the sentences below in the correct list



1. Wipe the whiteboard, please.

2. Sweep the floor.

3. Put the tools back in the place.

4. Dry your hands.

5. Write the date on the top right.

Asking someone to do something:

1. Can you come to my party tomorrow night?

2. Let's go to the library.

3. Why don't we go to the canteen now?

4. Can you go with me to the park this afternoon?

5. Let's visit grandma today.


1. Don't stop here.

2. Don't run along the aisle.

3. Don't stop on the grass.

4. Don't sit on the table.

5. Don't be noisy.

Asking for permission:

1. May I go home earlier today?

2. May I borrow your pen, please?

3. Can you lend me your sharpener?

4. May I saty up late, Mum?

5. May I go to the restroom, please?


Instruction berarti perintah. Ciri dari instruction adalah diawali dengan kata kerja

Asking someone to do something berarti meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Biasanya diawali dengan kata "can" dan "let's".

Prohibition berarti larangan. Ciri dari prohibition adalah diawali dengan kata "don't"

Asking for permission berarti meminta izin. Biasanya diawali dengan kata "can", "may", dan terdapat kata "please"

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai 10 contoh kalimat prohibition pada


20. fill in the crossword with the correct word​


pertanyaannya mana? masa cuma perintah nya aj


ga bisa dijawab karna ga ada soal nya. lain kali di sertakan foto soalnya ya

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