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Tort Clasa A 4

Tort Clasa A 4

Nikak podtianutyi tort ukhodil?

Daftar Isi

1. Nikak podtianutyi tort ukhodil?


ngomong apa luu ngk ngrrti

2. Nikak podtianutyi tort ukhodil?

Biyak menarik kue itu pergi

3. Jupiter and the tort bahasa inggris​


Jupiter was about to marry a wife, and determined to celebrate the event by inviting all the animals to a banquet. They all came except the Tortoise, who did not put in an appearance, much to Jupiter's surprise. So when he next saw the Tortoise he asked him why he had not been at the banquet.

4. Match the following problem to the appropriate suggestions.1. i have headache2.i am going to go out the weather is very cold now.3. we want to have a cleaner and more comfortable clasa4. my english score is bad5. my mother wants to know how well i cookpilihan pasangannya.a. you should make the most delecious dish for her.b. you should clean it regularly.c. you should wear a jacketd. you should see a doctor or take a rest.e. you should join an english course.​


1. I have headache (d)

2. I am going to go out the weather is very cold now. (c)

3. We want to have a cleaner and more comfortable class (b)

4. My english score is bad (e)

5. My mother wants to know how well I cook (a)

5. Udostoennoe kolichestvo vseuslyshanie ne udivliaet volosy priamikom voznikaiushchei shkoloi, nikogda vyslushav, tolko kogda plennyi shag slozhno govorit ochen namerennyi tort kropotlivym miasam.


smnskakkawjjne ieieje kekekke oovvo Osas hejekeb ueieiie bvs s ifof mwmeeo meoooww


6. conceb program yg claras digunakanuntuh Mem bune animasi adalahdan21 gambar rencana yg digunakan sebagaclasa Pembuatan anihasi disebuy.3. Program hicrosoft Power Dosal dee.Olgunakan untuk membuat alamcontoh program yg digunakan untukMengelli che adob5 Mere ganbarJamber bebaruDOUB​




ms.power point


maaf kalau salah

7. 6. Benteng tort Roterdam terletak dikotaa. Tidoreb. Ternatec. Ambond. Makasar​


d. makassar


semoga membantu

d. Makasar

tepatnya di Bulo Gading, Kec. Ujung Padang, Kota Makasar

8. Jupiter and the TortOne day, Jupiter decided that he would get married, he invitedgods, goddesses, and humans to the wedding feast. All of themwere delighted to accept the invitation, they all loved theparty because Jupiter was always a very generous and friendlyhost. All of the invitees that is, except a lazy, arrogant, andrude man named Tort. It made Tort feel a bit grumpy anddecided to stay at home. "I don't care much for partiesanyway, he told his neighbour. I never enjoy myself and I don'tgo for all that dancing and singing,"The wedding was a great success, and everybody had a great time. Of course, itdidn't escape Jupiter's attention that Tort had not turned up. So the next time the greatgod come upon Tort, he stopped and asked him why he had not come to join in the weddingcelebrations. "Dear Jupiter, said Tort, I really don't like parties. I much rather stay home.There's no place like home, after all."Now Jupiter was really annoyed with Tort. "If you like your home so much, hethundered, I put a spell on you. From now on, you shall turn into an animal called tortoiseand forever carry your home on your book" And so it is that ever since that day, Tortturns into a tortoise and has to carry his home on his back, wherever he goes!(Adapted from Jupiter and the Tortoise by Aesop)  1. Who will get married? 2. Why do the guests like the wedding party? 3. All invitees attend the party but...4. Paragraph two tells us that Jupiter was annoyed with Tort because5. What is the main idea of ​​the last paragraph? 6. What is the main purpose of the text?7. Is the main audience for children or adults?8. "...Tort hasn't appeared yet." The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to9. "That makes Tort feel a little angry.." The word "That" refers to10. What is the moral of the story?Mohon bantu jawab, besok mau dikumpulkan​


1. Jupiter

2. because Jupiter was always a very generous and friendly host.

3. except a lazy, arrogant, and rude man named Tort.

4 Tort feel a bit grumpy and decided to stay at home.

5. From now on, you shall turn into an animal called tortoise and forever carry your home on your book.

6. telling readers not to be lazy people, who prefer to stay at home instead of outside.

7. Children

8. arrive

9. Jupiter

10. Don't be a lazy person, who likes to stay at home instead of doing activities outside the house

9. Sebuah hotel selain menyewakan kamarjuga memiliki usaha restoran dan tokocendera mala hasil karya pengrajinsetempat Bidang produksi hotel tersebutadalah ...A jasa agraris, dan ekstraktifB jasa industri manufaktur danekstraktifClasa, industri manufaktur danperdaganganO industri manufaktur, agraris danperdagangan​




jasa indrusti manufaktur dan ekstraktif

10. There is 50 childern in clasa. 22 of them are boys. what percante of childer are boys?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

total children : 50

boys : 22

22/50 × 100 = 44% are boys

11. 3. Agil mengendarai sepeda motor dari kota Surabaya ke kota Semarang. la berangkat pada pukul 18.30 dan sampai Semarang pada pukul 01.30 keesokan paginya. Lama perjalanan yang ditempuh Agib adalah ... jam. Clasa liam​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Dik =

> Berangkat pada pukul 18.30

> Sampai pada pukul 01.30 = supaya lebih gampang di kurangi diubah menjadi 25.30

Jawab =

= 25.30 - 18.30

= 07.00



berangkat pada 18.30

sampai pada pukul 01.30


semoga membantu

12. 2. isilah bagian rumpang dengan pecahan yang tepatk00 0 0() () (...)tema 7 subtema: kebersamaan di tort w​



semoga membantu maaf kalau salah:)

13. translate bahasa perancin ke indonesiahai teman teman lg pada ngapain ya?=salut les amis,qu'est-ce que tu faismaaf cuma gitu doang=desole c est toutsalah=tortbohong ya=mentir ouaisini bulan ramadan=ce mois de ramadandesolec est tout.​


1. hai teman teman lg pada ngapain ya?

2. maaf cuma gitu doang

3. salah

4. bohong ya

5. ini bulan ramadan

6. Maaf itu saja


1. Salut les amis, qu'est-ce que tu fais?

2. désolé c'est tout

3. Tort

4. mentir ouais

5. ce mois de ramadan

6. désolé c'est tout.

14. Na tarasSerampang Dua7Tort LagongTampong06rann​


maaf artinya apa yaa


tolong pakai bahasa Indonesia

15. Filed a lawsuit against: Ny. Ratna Prasasti, age 33 years, located at JL. TerusanPemuda No. 1, Cirebon; because it occupies land belonging to the giver of power over thelimit agreement/Tort, in the District Court of South Sulawesi. terdapat tenses apa saja? bisa jawab ga ka ​

tenses yg ada :

simple past tense : filed,located

past continuous tense :belonging

16. Dette : sus clasa-10-11-20202020tugasubahPecahanbiasamenjadi decimalبا inno 1. 3/5=2. 4/5=​



3/5 = 0,6

6/10 = 0,6


4/5 = 0,8

8/10 = 0,8

=====Semoga Membantu=====


nah udah gua jawab tuh follow gua ya

17. clasa21 April 2020Apa pengoruh rantai makanan terhadapmakhluk hidup dalam solu ekosistem ?alanan SUSUNAN2.Apa perbedaanrantai makanan dan jaring" makanan?Bagaimana hubungan interaksi antara mashule hidup yamendiami habitat dalam suatu ekosistenn?Tuliskan contohnya ?​


Apa Perbedaan rantai makanan dgn jaring² makanan?

jawab:rantai makanan yaitu sebuah hubungan yg saling di makan atw di makan, sedangkan jaring² makanan dlm artian yg lebih luas

18. Tort davno ne rasplachivaetsia, a prigovor nachinaet delat nogot roskoshnogo volosa fizicheskimi postavshchikami.


maaf ya saya gak paham bahasa nya

19. 1.i (watch) football match between napoli vs juventus (+) (-) (?) 2. chopper and brook (eat) a chocolate(+)(-)(?)3.usop (speak) english well in the clasa(+)(-)(?)buatlah kalimat menggunakan simple present into positif negativ and introgrative​


1. + I watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus.

- I do not watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus.

? Do I watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus?

2. + Chopper and Brook eat a chocolate.

- Chopper and Brook do not eat a chocolate.

? Do Chopper and Brook eat a chocolate?

3. + Usop speaks English well in the class.

- Usop does not speak English well in the class.

? Does Usop speak English well in the class?

20. Essayez d'interpréter ce mot "je ne sais pas"qui a répondu "Je ne sais pas" a tort ou je vais le supprimeryang menjawab"Saya tidak tahu" bakal saya hapus+Report!"Boleh search di translate"Francis > Indonesia​


Francis > Indonesia

Francis =

Essayez d'interpréter ce mot "je ne sais pas"

qui a répondu "Je ne sais pas" a tort ou je vais le supprimer

yang menjawab"Saya tidak tahu" bakal saya hapus+Report!

Indonesia =

Cobalah untuk menafsirkan kata "Saya tidak tahu" ini

yang menjawab "Saya tidak tahu" salah atau saya akan menghapusnya

yang menjawab "Saya tidak tahu" bakal saya hapus + Laporan!


maaf klo salah.. soalnya itu, saya terjemahkan di translate : )


coba taksirkan kata "saya tidak tau" ini

yang menjawab "saya tidak tahu" berlari ke saya akan menghapusnya


semoga membantu makasih

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