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Verbul To Be La Prezent

Verbul To Be La Prezent

contoh kalimat prezent tens​

1. contoh kalimat prezent tens​


+ I am so beautiful.

- I am not so beautiful.

? Are you beautiful?


Maaf klo slah

2. Bahasa inggris prezent past continus saya suka berdandan


i like to dress up


3. jelaskan pengertian prezent continous tense dan contoh kalimat pasive nya dalam bahasa inggris...

•present continuous tense adalah
Kalimat untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan/kegiatan yg sedang dilakukan pada saat itu.
(+)I'm reading the book in libary
(-)I am not reading the book in libary
(?)are you reading the book in libarypresent continuous adalah tenses yang menerangkan suatu perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang. Contoh kalimat passif nya.

Rumus aktif : S + To be (am/are/is) + V-ing + O
Rumus pasif : S + To be (am/are/is) + being + V3 + by

Subjek di kalimat aktif menjadi objek dikalimat pasif, begitu sebaliknya.

contoh :
Active : She is cooking fried rice.
Passive : Fried rice is being cooked by her.

4. buatlah ke dalam kalimat prezent continuous1.Bapak sedang bekerja di kebun 2.Ibu sedang membeli sayurTOLONG DI JAWAB NYA​


1.father is working in the garden

2.mother is buying vegetables


(+)Subject + am/is/are + Verb-ing +.....

(-) Subject + am/is/are + not + verb-ing +...

(?) am/is/are + subject + verb-ing +....?


(+) she is going to school

(-)  she is not going to school

(?) is she going to schoo l?

5. Change the following active sentences into passive.1. Earthquakes hit Ambon last month.2. Flood has caused destruction in this area.tense3. Scientists will observe total solar eclipses. Simple future tense4. Volunteers are attending the charity program. Prezent continous tense5. People should gain knowledge to improve technology.6. Many people had uploaded the wonderful pictures of aurora. Past perfect7. The secretary was typing the report when the director called him. Past contmous bevise8. The company launches its new products every the end of the year.9. High waves wept the beach which made people run to save themselves.10. Several presidents will be attending the summit in Bali to discuss environment issues.tolong bantuannya kakak²​


Change the following active sentence to be passive.

1. The earthquake struck on the Atlantic last month.

2. Floods damage damage in this area.


3. Scientists will observe a total solar eclipse. A simple future

4. Volunteers attend charity programs. Prezent Continuous Tense

5. People must gain knowledge to improve technology.

6. Many people have uploaded beautiful aurora photos. Perfectly perfect

7. The secretary is typing a report when the director calls him. Bevis used to be contagious

8. The company launches new products every year.

9. High waves crying on the beach that makes people run to save themselves.

10. Some presidents will attend a summit in Bali to discuss environmental issues.


Maaf kalau salah

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