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Read The Text Again And Answer The Questions

Read The Text Again And Answer The Questions

Read again the dialog in activity e and answer the following questions

Daftar Isi

1. Read again the dialog in activity e and answer the following questions


soalnya mana? :(


2. read the menus text again answer the following question​


baca teks menu lagi jawab pertanyaan berikut

3. Listen to the text again,then answer the questions

Artinya :mendengarkan teks lagi .kemudian menjawab pertanyaan

#semoga jawabanku membantumu yaa teman... selamat belajar... :)

4. Read the text again and then complete the following table with correct information.kak plis bantuin, senin di kumpul​

1. What event is described in the text?

2.When was it?

3.Where was it?

4.What happened on April 25th , 1986?

5.What happened on the following day?

6.What us the writter's comment regarding the event?


1.explosion in a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl.

1.explosion in a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 2.April, 26th. 1986

1.explosion in a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 2.April, 26th. 19863.It was at a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl.

1.explosion in a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 2.April, 26th. 19863.It was at a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 4.In April 25th, 1986 it prior to a routine shutdown.

1.explosion in a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 2.April, 26th. 19863.It was at a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 4.In April 25th, 1986 it prior to a routine shutdown. 5.Another Reactor Exploded.

1.explosion in a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 2.April, 26th. 19863.It was at a reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. 4.In April 25th, 1986 it prior to a routine shutdown. 5.Another Reactor Exploded. 6. "However to this day, the long-term effects of the explosion, in the form of cancers and physical and mental deformities resulting from the radiation exposure, are still being counted for. "

5. terjemahan dari teks the electric torch or flash light dan pertanyaan tentang read the text again answer these question

flash light= senter

read the text again answer these question= baca teksnya lagi lalu jawab pertanyaan berikut

6. 2. complete the dialogues with the words in the box.3. read the dialogues again to answer the followimg questionssoalnya ada di atas​


1. take

2. have

3. as

4. change

5. full

6. think

7. let

8. pleasure

9. welcome

10. chance

11. applying

12. advertised

13. resume

14. former

15. dead-end

16. within


1. An interviewer.

2. At the Hotel Marina.

3. She's doing a job interview.

4. Yes, she has.

5. Yes, she is.

6. Because she's looking for a full time job.

7. From an advertisement.

8. She'll quit her current job and work for Hotel Marina.


9. They're in engineering company.

10. Because she got the chance to be interviewed.

11. She saw the advertisement from the internet.

12. Yes, she does.

13. From her resume.

14. Because her old job was a dead-end.

15. She'll talk over the candidate's resume to the HR staff.


Semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya banyak banget ini soalnya T.T

7. Read text 1 again. Find out the similarities between text 1(Tanjung Puting National Park)} and text 2 (Taj Mahal)

the similarities are same to place for holiday

8. 2. Read again the text above and answer the questions belowa. What is COVID-19?b. What is the best way to prevent yourself against the corona virus?​


a. Covid-19 is a virus actually the name is got from Corona Virus December 19

b.stay at home , wear mask when go to outside, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables , do exercise :)

maaf kalo salah


9. read the lyric again carefully with a friend, answer the following questions

baca lagi liriknya hati hati.. dengan teman, jawab pertanyaan berikutBaca kembali lirik dengan seorang teman, kemudian jawab pertanyaan berikut

10. Task 6 Read the text again, and then, rewrite the sentences in the box based on the parts of the text. Identification Description​



I have a pet named Mio. Itis a male Persian cat.


Mio looks cute and classy. His fur is beautiful. He has thick soft hair. Every three months he gets vitamin shots and other pre-caution measure. Mio is a modem cat. He likes eating canned and dried food. When Mio doesn't feel well, he doesn't do much meowing and eats less than usual. In this moment he needs extra vitamins and milk. Usually he gets better within two days.


Soal yg ditanyakan terkait "Generic structure" dari jenis teks deskripsi. "Descriptive text" adalah jenis teks bacaan yang mendeskripsikan obyek khusus. Pada umumnya, pembahasan seputar hewan, orang, benda dan tempat. Teks deskripsi menyajikan penggambaran obyek secara komprehensif berdasarkan panca indera kita.

Generic structure

1) Identification

adalah bagian permulaan paragraf yg berfungsi untuk mengenalkan obyek yg kita gambarkan.

2) Description

adalah bagian paragraf yg berfungsi untuk memerinci karakter khusus dari obyek yg dibicarakan.

Language features

1) Simple present

penggunaan "simple present tense" pada bentuk kalimatnya.

2) Relating verb

penggunaan verba relasional dalam mengungkap identitas obyek yg dibicarakan.

3) Specific participant

penggunaan nama obyek tertentu.

4) Descriptive adjective

penggunaan kata sifat deskriptif dalam memerinci obyek yg dibicarakan.


Learn more about

Descriptive text



Grade: VII

Subject: English

Category: Reading comprehension

Code: 7.5

Keywords: Mio, my lovely Mio, parts of the text

Identification :

I have a pet name Mio. it id male persian cat

Description :

Mio looks cute and classy. His fur is beautiful. He has thick soft hair. Every three months he gets vitamin shots and other pre-caution measure. Mio is modern cat. He likes eating canned and dried food. When Mio doesnt't feel well, he doesnr't do much meowing and eats lees than usual. In this moment he needs extra vitamins and milk. Usually he gets better within two days.



Identification adalah bagian paragraf yang berisi mengenalkan objek.


Description adalah bagian paragraf yang berisi merinci karakter yang dibicarakan.

___________________________- No Copy!- 100% buatan saya

11. NLet's Read and AnswerRead again the text on Activity M and answer the followingquestions.When is Kartini's Day?1.What will the students and teachers do in the morning of Kartini's Day2.What will the students and teacher wear on Kartini's Day?3.4. Who is Kartini?5. What is the purpose of Kartini's Day?​


1. celebrate

2.wearing Javanese traditional clothes


4.Kartini is a strong woman

5.Her birthday

12. 2. Read the text again then categorized the cause and its effect. Cause Effects Cyclones​


membaca teks lagi kemudian kategori

13. Read the letter in task 12 again and then choose the correct answer for the folowing questions


mksdny gmn? soalnya mana?

14. read ance again the text in part c.answep the questions.bantu jawab Kak***​


Kirim kan teks nya baru bisa jawab




ngga bisa bahasa Inggris

15. Read the text above again to answer the questions below.1. Identify the sentences in the text that including the passive voice, mention them.2. what type of passive voice in thembantu dong kak, butuh banget​


Baca kembali teks di atas untuk menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini.

1. Identifikasi kalimat dalam teks yang termasuk kalimat pasif, sebutkan.

2. apa jenis suara pasif di dalamnya


itu saja (๑•﹏•)

16. 2.Read the text again and then complete the following table with correct information.


1.explode a reactor nuclear at a nuclear power plant

2.april 26 1986 Chernobyl ukraine

4.paragraf kedua sampai titik kak

5.a series operator action including the disabling of automatic shutdown mechanisme

6.paragaraf terakhir

17. Tolong Dibantu Ilmunya.1.) Read the text. Where do you think the story is set? What is the narrator's name? 2.) Read the text again and answer the questions.-What caused Jane to wake up?-Who asks if there is a fire?-Who sleeps on the top floor?-Why does Jane get dressed?-How was the secret door hidden?​


1. The story is set at the house the Charlotte's currently sleep in. The narrator is Charlotte Bronette


- She heard the sound of desperate struggle right above her room

- A random guests

- The master of the house

-  Because she know that it isn't a dream, so she dressed up and waiting for the servants to pick her up to safer place

- There's a room with a curtain hug on the walls. One of the curtain hug was tied back and it reveal the hidden room


18. A. Read the text again. List important events on the text1.​

1.) the world war II in the pasific ended after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombed

19. read the lyric again carefully with a friend, answer following questions

apasih maksudnya ini .........
baca lirik lagi hati - hati dengan seorang teman,menjawab pertanyaan - pertanyaan berikut .

20. Read the story again and rearrange the flowing sentences chronologically.

Baca cerita dan menyusun kembali kalimat secara kronologis

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