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0 La Orice Putere

0 La Orice Putere

Jika ada tamu yang mengcancel penyewaan kamar, apa yang harus di lakukan oleh seorang front orice!​

Daftar Isi

1. Jika ada tamu yang mengcancel penyewaan kamar, apa yang harus di lakukan oleh seorang front orice!​

front office memberitahukan kepada tamu (penyewaan) dan memberikan tanggapan penyebabnya kenapa tamu bisa membatalkan penyewaan , dengan cara kata-kata yg baik dan bekerja secara professional

maaf kalo ada yg salah yaa

2. 14. Icon disamping adalaha Startb. Orice buttonc Control menud. Quick access toolbartikal​


Icon nya mana ☺




3. Davan does not like a cone orice cream4. buys - mother - and - syrup - bread - supermarket - in - the​


Mother buys bread and syrup in the supermarket


mother buys syrup and bread in the supermarket

4. Soal Tone 7double o r di bubuwan beBeulah la silang c ode bar yang benar dan de orice buah dengantota mah1 sekarza menerima perbedaan sal dan budaa alar delar ingenhelaA TortaAman hidup bermannNuhan hidup d Gelisah beberapa doloro salulungan2 Lindarga tempat tumeo balian terdapat dari bensal dari berbagai bubaberbthal vara anglosalan laluban, liecualiA Mencela mereka yang berbeda suludan budayaB Mencharculiardóman saka dan budaya nuaMenohormat suluvara burudatang didaerah tempattinggal​


soalnya apa gak ngerti aku tapi makasih poinnya ":)


5. Alexander Graham Bell, Penen Telepon Saat ini kemikaal antarmanusia semakin mudah berkat penemuan telepon Alexander Graham Dell adalah orang yang pertama kali menemukan alat komunikasi ini. Pada saat bermukim di London, Dell sempat belajar tentang percobaan yang dilakukan oleh Herman Ludwig von Helmholt yang bisa menghasilkan bunyi yang terdengar nyaring Kemudian pada tahun 1865 bell mempelajari lebih mendalam tentang suara yang keluar dari mulut saat berbicara Di kemudian hart tell mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk menciptakan suatu alat komunikasi dengan transmisi gelombang listrik Dell pun mengajak temannya yaitu Thomas Watson untuk membantu menyediakan perlengkapannya Penelitiannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Pengatur suara dan magnet untuk menghantarkan bunyi yang akan dikirimkan, peristiwa ini terjadi pada tanggal 1878 Alinya, tereiptalah karya Bell sebuah pesawat penerima telepon dan pemancar yang bentunya berupa sebuah piringan hitam tipis yang dipasang di depan elektromagnet. Pada tanggal 14 Februari 1876, Bell mematenkan hasil penemuannya. Namun, oleh US Patent orice penemuan Dell I bar resmi dipatenkan pada tanggal 7 Maret untuk "Electie Speaking Telephone 1.CARILAH INFORMASI PENTING PADA SETIAP PARAGRAF TEKS EKSPLANASI TERSEBUT! 2.SAJIKAN INFORMASI PENTING YANG DITEMUKAN DALAM BENTUK DIAGRAM! ​


itu adalah hal yang ndak tau kok tanya saya


maaf kalo benar

6. 15. How many people are there in Shand. 616 Who is Hasan?Shanti's brother. Shuni's uncleb. Shanti's father d Shant's cousin17. From the text we know thatRizkia is Shanti's cousinb. Mr. Rajali and Mrs. Kurnia are teachersc. Rizkia is five or six years oldd Hasan is Shanti's little sister18. Where does Mrs. Kurnia work?Oricec. Schoolb. Restaurant d. hospital19. She's a nurse...What does the word "she" refer to?a. Hasanc. Rizkiah Mrs Kurnia d Shanti20. He is a student ofWhat does the word "he" refer to?a. Hasanc. Shantib Rizkiad. Mr. Rajali​


Yang nomor 15,16,17,18 udah dijawab ya?

kalo iya yaudah


19. Shanti

20. Hasan

7. -s011 buyson buy orice box in the sranlam verya. mungryb. angry- Tieerd-thirsty​


A. Hungry


semoga membantu :)


A. Hungry

-semoga membantu-

8. Alexander Graham Bell, Penen Telepon Saat ini kemikaal antarmanusia semakin mudah berkat penemuan telepon Alexander Graham Dell adalah orang yang pertama kali menemukan alat komunikasi ini. Pada saat bermukim di London, Dell sempat belajar tentang percobaan yang dilakukan oleh Herman Ludwig von Helmholt yang bisa menghasilkan bunyi yang terdengar nyaring Kemudian pada tahun 1865 bell mempelajari lebih mendalam tentang suara yang keluar dari mulut saat berbicara Di kemudian hart tell mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk menciptakan suatu alat komunikasi dengan transmisi gelombang listrik Dell pun mengajak temannya yaitu Thomas Watson untuk membantu menyediakan perlengkapannya Penelitiannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Pengatur suara dan magnet untuk menghantarkan bunyi yang akan dikirimkan, peristiwa ini terjadi pada tanggal 1878 Alinya, tereiptalah karya Bell sebuah pesawat penerima telepon dan pemancar yang bentunya berupa sebuah piringan hitam tipis yang dipasang di depan elektromagnet. Pada tanggal 14 Februari 1876, Bell mematenkan hasil penemuannya. Namun, oleh US Patent orice penemuan Dell I bar resmi dipatenkan pada tanggal 7 Maret untuk "Electie Speaking Telephone? Carilah Informasi penting pada setiap paragraf teks eksplanasi tersebut Sajikan informasi penting yang ditemukan dalam bentuk diagram!tolong ya kak​


informasi pentingnya adalah

Alexander Graham Dell adalah orang yang pertama kali menemukan alat komunikasi telepon.

pada tahun 1865 Bell mempelajari lebih mendalam tentang suara yg keluar dari mulut saat berbicara. Alexsander Graham bell, penemu telepon saat ini komunikasi antar manusia

semakin mudah berkat penemuan telepon.

hart tell mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk menciptakan suatu alat komunikasi dengan transmisi gelombang listrik Dell pun mengajak temannya yaitu Thomas Watson untuk membantu menyediakan perlengkapannya Penelitiannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Pengatur suara dan magnet untuk menghantarkan bunyi yang akan dikirimkan.

maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat


9. MisBill gates is one of the+ woldand is 165cm fast. Dona is 162141. 50. powashana burato is by.But a fewhea walabasketball paine at YourseThe post orice is as my schoola city has michana watlowthe and. is Sandy​


entahlah kalau bisa cari di google

10. IngredientsMethod4 green apples, peeled, coredand thickly sliced14 cup/45g self-raising flour,sifted60g butter or margarine,cubed12 cup/100g caster sugar1/4 cups/300ml water1. Place apple in a heat-proof dish.Place flour in a bowl. Rub inmargarine with a spatula.2. Stir in sugar and water (mixtureshould be lumpy). Pour over apples.3. Bake at 180°C for 1 hour or untilsyrupy and golden. Serve warmwith cream orice cream.Serves 6Preparation time 15 minutesCooking time 60 to 70 minutes​



4 apel hijau, kupas, buang bijinya

dan diiris tebal

14 cangkir / 45g tepung yang tumbuh sendiri,


60g mentega atau margarin,

potong dadu

12 cangkir / 100g gula kastor

1/4 cangkir / 300ml air

1. Tempatkan apel di piring tahan panas.

Tempatkan tepung dalam mangkuk. Gosok

margarin dengan spatula.

2. Aduk gula dan air (campuran

harus kental). Tuang di atas apel.

3. Panggang pada suhu 180 ° C selama 1 jam atau sampai

sirup dan emas. Disajikan hangat

dengan krim atau es krim.

Menyajikan 6

Waktu persiapan 15 menit

Waktu memasak 60 hingga 70 menit

11. RosaWSGood morning Sam. Thank you forging meadhance to do somGood moming Roe Good to see youMr Samtangas mengreenConcowhat is your notionW SamAs estructural engineer, I have to ensure buildings and others at detorane cesty or collapse and that theyand secure throughout theshould examining buildings and structures they are usudanfor purposeRosta Se, you have to collaborate withSam You are gre. They are responsible to abung und anscorbet the appals such as concret and manomy to meet sigdesign conWhat about the woning hourSalam usually stay in the orice fromhice from ano Som, Monday to Friday. SometimeThe construction sites in order to visit the pressions and dessora building projectWow You must have a good salary. So, what action needed to be mineSam you want to be a structural engineeryou have to do segningarfor sharing youRosita : Well, Mr Sam. Thank you for this good occasion Thank youSam : You re welcomeini tels dialognya.....tolong di bantu di jawan ya kak​



Selamat pagi Sam. Terima kasih telah menempa keyakinan untuk melakukan sesuatu

Selamat ibu Roe Senang bertemu denganmu

Pak Samtangas mengreen


apa gagasanmu

W Sam

Sebagai insinyur estruktur, saya harus memastikan bangunan dan lainnya di det

orane cesty atau collapse dan bahwa mereka

dan aman di seluruh

harus memeriksa bangunan dan struktur mereka usudan

untuk tujuan tertentu

Rosta Se, Anda harus bekerja sama dengan

Sam Anda gre. Mereka bertanggung jawab untuk membatalkan aplikasi

juga seperti beton dan manomi untuk memenuhi sig

desain con

Bagaimana dengan jam kemenangan

Salam biasanya tinggal di orice dari

hice dari ano Som, Senin sampai Jumat. Beberapa waktu

Situs konstruksi untuk mengunjungi pers dan dessor

sebuah proyek bangunan

Wow, gaji Anda pasti bagus. Jadi, tindakan apa yang harus saya lakukan

Sam, Anda ingin menjadi insinyur struktural, Anda harus melakukan segningar

untuk berbagi denganmu

Rosita: Baiklah, Pak Sam. Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang baik ini. Terima kasih

Sam: Sama-sama

12. (A) Car repairs should be done(C) Her account at the bank is inorder(D) The check should be cashed(B) The price was not too high(C) The garage took advantageof the woman(D) The had senousproblems6. (A) Ask DR. Tyler to clarify theassignment(B) Show a preliminary versionto Dr. Tyler(C) Let her see the first draftbefore Dr. Tyler sees it(D)Talk 10 some of the otherstudents in DR Tyler's class2. (A) Have a party(B) Attend the InicorationStudents Association(C) Go to workDI Get some rest3. (A) Leave immediately(B) Watch the game on TV(C) Start to play(D) Eat a sandwich7 (A) Dr Clark is a good teacher(B) Statistics is a boring class(C) Two semesters of statisticsare required(D) The students do not like Dr.Clark4. (A) He went to see the foreignstudents advisor(B) He went to Washington(C) He wrote to the PassportOriceD) Ile reported it to thePassport Office8. (A) He cannot do them(B) They are finished(C) I will be a difficult job(D) They will be ready Saturdayafternoon5. (A) It is the policy of the Bank(B) The man was not helpful at9. (A) A concert(B) An art museum(C) A flower shop(D) A restaurantall2​


usaha kakak


harus usaha sendiri kaka

13. POSSESe office twice a day in the morning and afternoonX: What is your father do?Y : My father is a chef. He ... in the chinese restauX : May I meet to your manager?Y: I'm sorry, my manager doesn't... to the oriceX : Tony, what do you do.Y: I am office boy. I usually ... the office twice a dayX: What ... your mother's profession?Y : She is a receptionist in Sinar Mandiri.X : What is your father do?Y: My father is a teacher. He ... students every mondaRemedial- students every monday till friday.​





maaf kalo salah

14. 9. Widarti ... (get up) quickly when the child ...(ory) loudly.a. got up/was cryingb. gets up/were criedc. has got up/are cryingd. will get up/is crying10. Mr. Bondan : You must clean the car untilYudi : Yes, Sir.a. It is dirtyb. it cleano. it is dryd. It is clean11. The cheapest and the easiest natural re-source for people to live is ....a carbon dioxide and airb. rain and water and landc. oxygen and waterd. oxygen and carbon dioxide12. The natural resources from the plantationare ..a. rice, corn, Ironb. soybean, rubber, sugarorice, com, peanutd. coffee, tea, rubberThe text is for questions number 13 to 15The natural disasters often come whenthe wet season is coming. It is cloudy almostevery day so the rain falls every day, the riverbecome over loaded, then the flood is coming.The rainy days can cause land slide in the highplaces, but the rainy days can also make thesoil fertile. The plants grow well.13. The passage is about ... in the rainy days.a. the event in the wet seasonb. advantagesc. disadvantagesd. the natural disasters14. How is the situation before it rains heavilya. It is sunny and hot.b. It is cloudy and dark.c. It is bright and windy.d. It is foggy and chilly.15. Where is the land slide happened?a. In the high land.b. In the low land.c. In the beach.d. in the densely populated.Complete these sentences based on the text!The Forest, Savannah, and Deserts in Africafire homes for monkeys, chimpanzees, go​


15. Lazy Jack The story of a lazy, poor boy who became rich later Once upon a time, there was a boy whose name was Jack, and he lived with his mother on a common. They were very poor, and the old woman got her living by spinning, but Jack was so lazy that he would do nothing, but bask in the sun in the hot weather and sit by the corner of the hearth in the winter-time. So people called him Lazy Jack. His mother could not get him to do anything for her, and at last told him one Monday that if he did not begin to work for his porridge she would turn him out to get his living as he could. This roused Jack, and he went out and hired himself for the next day to a neighboring farmer for a penny: but as he was coming home, never having had any money before he lost it in passing over a brook. "You stupid boy," said his mother, "you should have put it in your pocket." "I'll do so another time." replied Jack. On Wednesday, Jack went out again and hired himself to a cow-keeper, who gave him a jar of milk for his day's work. Jack took the jar and put it into the large pocket of his jacket, spilling it all, long before he got home. "Dear me!" said the old woman, "you should have carried it on your head." "I'll do so another time." said Jack. On Thursday, Jack hired himself again to a farmer, who agreed to give him a cream cheese for his services. In the evening Jack took the cheese and went home with it on his head. By the time he got home, the cheese was all spoilt, part of it being lost, and part matted with his hair "You stupid lot," said his mother, "you should have carried it very carefully in your hands." "I'll do so another time." replied Jack. On Friday. Lazy Jack again went out and hired himself to a baker, who would give him nothing for his work, but a large tom-cat. Jack took the cat and began carrying it very carefully in his hands, but in a short time the cat scratched him so much that he was compelled to let it go. When he got home, his mother said to him, "You silly fellow. you should have tied it with a string and dragged it along after you." "I'll do so another time," said Jack. Saturday, Jack hired himself to a butcher, who rewarded him by the handsome present of a shoulder of mutton. Jack took the mutton, tied it to a string, and trailed it along after him in the dirt, so that by the time he had got home, the meat was completely spollt. This time, his mother was running out of patience with him for the next day was Sunday, and she was obliged to make do with cabbage for dinner. "You ninny-hammer," said she to her son, "you should have carried it on your shoulder." Jack replied, "I'll do so another time." On the next Monday. Lazy Jack went orice more and hired himself to a cattle-keeper, who gave him a donkey for his trouble. Jack found it hard to hoist the donkey on his shoulders, but at last he did it and began walking slowly home with his prize. Now it happened that on the course of his journey, there lived a rich man with his only daughter, a beautiful girl, but deaf and dumb. She had never laughed in her life, and the doctors said she would never speak until somebody made her laugh. This young lady happened to be looking out of the window when Jack was passing with the donkey on his shoulders with the legs sticking up in the air, and the sight was so comical and strange that she burst out into a great fit of laughter and immediately recovered her speech and hearing. Her father was overjoyed and fulfilled his promise by marrying her to Lazy Jack, who was thus made a rich gentleman. They lived in a large house, and Jack's mother lived with them in great happiness until she died. Tolong Dibantu, jangan Asal di jawab ​


ok terimakasix kepada penjawav

16. Alexander Graham Bell, Penen Telepon Saat ini kemikaal antarmanusia semakin mudah berkat penemuan telepon Alexander Graham Dell adalah orang yang pertama kali menemukan alat komunikasi ini. Pada saat bermukim di London, Dell sempat belajar tentang percobaan yang dilakukan oleh Herman Ludwig von Helmholt yang bisa menghasilkan bunyi yang terdengar nyaring Kemudian pada tahun 1865 bell mempelajari lebih mendalam tentang suara yang keluar dari mulut saat berbicara Di kemudian hart tell mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk menciptakan suatu alat komunikasi dengan transmisi gelombang listrik Dell pun mengajak temannya yaitu Thomas Watson untuk membantu menyediakan perlengkapannya Penelitiannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Pengatur suara dan magnet untuk menghantarkan bunyi yang akan dikirimkan, peristiwa ini terjadi pada tanggal 1878 Alinya, tereiptalah karya Bell sebuah pesawat penerima telepon dan pemancar yang bentunya berupa sebuah piringan hitam tipis yang dipasang di depan elektromagnet. Pada tanggal 14 Februari 1876, Bell mematenkan hasil penemuannya. Namun, oleh US Patent orice penemuan Dell I bar resmi dipatenkan pada tanggal 7 Maret untuk "Electie Speaking Telephone Carilah Informasi penting pada setiap paragraf teks eksplanasi tersebut Sajikan informasi penting yang ditemukan dalam bentuk diagram!​


Udah ada di foto itu ya



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