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Mary Poppins Jane și Michael Sunt Personaje Din

Mary Poppins Jane și Michael Sunt Personaje Din

mary jane merupakan istilah dari

Daftar Isi

1. mary jane merupakan istilah dari

Mary jane itu kayaknya Sepatu
pengertian dari mary jane: street names four marijuana

2. who is..... (beautiful),Mary or Jane?​


more beautiful


maaf kalo salah


who is more beautiful,Mary or Jane?


siapa yang lebih cantik, Mary atau Jane?

semoga membantu^_^

maaf kalau salah

semoga benar

3. tuliskan lirik lagu billie jane michael jackson

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

For forty days and for forty nights
The law was on her side
But who can stand when she's in demand
Her schemes and plans
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round
So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice
(Do think twice)

She told my baby we'd danced till three, then she looked at me
Then showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were like mine (oh, no!)
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby

People always told me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
She came and stood right by me
Then the smell of sweet perfume
This happened much too soon
She called me to her room

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
She says I am the one

Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is

Not my lover
Not my lover
Not my lover
Not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)
Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)
Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)
Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is

Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is

Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean isShe was more like a beauty queen from a movie screen.
I said, "Dont mind but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round?"
She said, "I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round"

She told me her name was Billie Jean
As she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me, "Be careful of what you do
And dont go around breaking young girls hearts"
And mother always told me, "Be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do cause the lie becomes the truth"

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

For forty days and forty nights, law was on her side
But who can stand when shes in demand, her schemes and plans
Cause we danced on the floor in the round

So take my strong advice
Just remember to always think twice
Do think twice, do think twice

She told my baby, we were dancing still three
Then she looked at me, then showed a photo
My baby cried cause his eyes were like mine, oh no
Though we'd dance on the floor in the round, baby

People always told me, "Be careful of what you do
And dont go around breaking young girls hearts"
But she came and stood right by me then the smell of sweet perfume
This happened much too soon, she called me to her room

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son

Billie Jean is not my lover
Shes just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one
But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one
But the kid is not my son

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
The kid is not my son

She says I am the one
The kid is not my son

She says I am the one
She says he is my son
She says I am the one

Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover

4. bantu jawabannyacomplete the sentenes using the present continues1. mary and jane.... (wear)2.I.....(have) in birth

Present Continuous

(+) S + is/am/are + V-ing + O

(-) S + is/am/are + not + V-ing + O

(?) Is/am/are + S + V-ing + O + ?

I = am

you , we , they , plural = are

he , she , it , singular = is

Mary and Jane are wearing

I am having in birth

complete the sentenes using the present continues

1. mary and jane are wearing (wear)

2.I am having(have) in birth

Present continous pattern : Subject( I , you, they, we, he , she  ,it) + is/am/are+verb -ing(studying, wearing, having, etc)+object+adverb of time now

Kode Mapel : 5

Bahasa Inggris Grade VIII

Chapter 8

Semoga membantu :)

5. apa yang dimaksud "pacta sunt servanda"?

Pacta Sunt Servanda (aggrements must be kept) adalah asas hukum yang menyatakan bahwa “setiap perjanjian menjadi hukum yang mengikat bagi para pihak yang melakukan perjanjianPacta Sunt Servanda yaitu asas hukum yg menyatakan bahwa “setiap perjanjian menjadi hukum yg mengikat bagi para pihak yg melakukan perjanjian.

6. mohon bantu jawabannyacomplete the sentenes using the present continues1.mary and jane (wear) skirts2.i ( have ) in birth

complete the sentenes using the present continues

1. mary and jane are wearing (wear)

2.I am having(have) in birth

Present continous pattern : Subject( I , you, they, we, he , she  ,it) + is/am/are+verb -ing(studying, wearing, having, etc)+object+adverb of time now

Kode Mapel : 5

Bahasa Inggris Grade VIII

Chapter 8

Semoga membantu :)

7. 4. Fatimah seorang anak yang baik, sunt din bertamu ke rumah saya selalu memberi salam dansering menyapa bila bertemu, hormat terhadap orang yang lebih tua, perbuatan Fatimahtermasuk dalam contoh-contoh norma...A. AgainaC kesopananD. Kesusilaan​

jawabannya adalah C. kesopanan


C. Kesopanan


Norma kesopanan adalah peraturan hidup yg timbul dari pergaulan segolongan manusia

8. apa pengertian dari Pacta Sunt Servanda

Pacta Sunt Servanda  adalah asas hukum yang menyatakan bahwa “setiap perjanjian menjadi hukum yang mengikat bagi para pihak yang melakukan perjanjian.
Pacta Sunt Servanda adalah asas Kepastian Hukum dalam perjanjian, yaitu para pihak dalam perjanjian memiliki kepastian hukum

9. Mary : I think smoking is so dangerous to health. Jane : I suppose so.From that dialogue, you can assume that Jane expresses ….  A. Agreement B. Opinion C. Disagreement D. Satisfaction tolong bantuannya piiss ​


B. Opinion


Itu termasuk beropini

10. nama lain tari din din ba din din?​








11. Mary : Hi, Jane. How are you?Jane :... how are you?Mary : I'm ok.A. Nice to meet youB. Fine, thanksC. Good momingD. It's glad to see you​

B . fine , thanks

karena Mary menanya kabar si Jane , jadi jawabnya baik baik saja


B. Fine, thanks jawabannya

12. 'Where are Michael and Jane?" "They're watching/They watch TV in the living room.​


They're watching TV in the living room


Pertanyaannya pake are jdi jawabannya juga

13. istilah pacta sunt sarvanda

Pacta Sunt Servanda adalah asas Kepastian Hukum dalam perjanjian, yaitu para pihak dalam perjanjian memiliki kepastian hukum dan oleh karenanya dilindungi secara hukum, sehingga jika terjadi sengketa dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian, maka hakim dengan keputusannya dapat memaksa agar pihak yang melanggar itu melaksanakan ...

14. Ganja, marijuana, mary jane, dan grass termasuk zat adiktif sejenis?

Narkotik kalo tidak salah

Narkotika golongan I

15. Jane : Finally, we are now grade 8th Mary : Yes, I am happy because we have new friends and also new classroom Jane : Do you like this classroom? Mary : Yes, I do. Jane : What do you think of this classroom? Mary : I think it is clean and big. 1.Find the asking opinion expression that used in the dialogue! Then, write it!


Jane : Finally, we are now grade 8th.

Mary : Yes, I am happy because we have new friends and also new classroom.

Jane : Do you like this classroom?

Mary : Yes, I do.

Jane : What do you think of this classroom?

Mary : I think it is clean and big.

1. Find the asking opinion expression that used in the dialogue! Then, write it!

"Do you like this classroom?

"What do you think of this classroom?"


Pertanyaan dari soal di atas adalah menemukan ekspresi menanyakan pendapat.

Ada dua ekspres yang digunakan untuk menanyakan pendapat pada dialog di atas, yaitu

Do you like this classroom? (= apakah kamu menyukai kelas ini?)

What do you think of this classroom? (= Bagaimana menurutmu kelas ini?)

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai asking opinion expression pada


16. : 8. Peter ..... for bringing my book. Mary Jane : Never mind. It's my pleasure.​


Thank you / Thanks

Kalimat ;

8. Peter : Thank you for bringing my book.

Mary Jane : Never mind. It's my pleasure.

Terjemahan :

8. Peter: Terima kasih telah membawakan buku saya.

Mary Jane: Tidak apa-apa. Dengan senang hati.


Semoga Bermanfaat.

17. Media sosial sebagai "sebuah kelompok aplikasi berbasis internet yang membangun di atas dasar ideologi dan teknologi Web 2.0, dan yang memungkinkan penciptaan dan pertukaran user-generated content" adalah definisi menurut .... *Jane jimmy dan Mic. JohnAndreas Kaplan dan Michael HaenleinMichael Haenlein dan MantrauwJane Jimmy dan Mantrauw​



Maaf klo salah ya

18. prinsip pacta sunt servanda?

tiap negara yang ikut dalam suatu kesepakatan wajib mengikuti isi dalam kesepakatan dan tidak boleh dilanggar

19. apa yang di maksud dengan pacta sunt servanda

Pacta Sunt Servanda(aggrements must be kept) adalah asas hukum yangmenyatakan bahwa “setiap perjanjian menjadi hukum yangmengikat bagi para pihak yangmelakukan perjanjian.Pacta Sunt Servanda (aggrements must be kept) adalah asas hukum yang menyatakan bahwa “setiap perjanjian menjadi hukum yang mengikat bagi para pihak yang melakukan perjanjian. Asas ini menjadi dasar hukum Internasional karena termaktub dalam pasal 26 Konvensi Wina 1969 yang menyatakan bahwa “every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith” (setiap perjanjian mengikat para pihak dan harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik)

semoga membantu ya Mksih

20. Mary: jane, pick up my clothes, please! jane: ok, i will pick ….. up.

your clothes

I'm so sorry if my answer's wrong, I'm still learning too

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