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Text Creativ Despre 1 Decembrie

Text Creativ Despre 1 Decembrie

tujuan penerapan creativi writiing dalam tulisan

Daftar Isi

1. tujuan penerapan creativi writiing dalam tulisan

Untuk membentuk rasa percaya diri remaja.


tujuan penerapan creativi writiing dalam tulisan = Membuat Remaja Merasa Percaya Diri ( PD)

Semoga Bermanfaat

2. Tugas dari creativ direc dalam acara pensi adalah ..

harus sekreatif mungkin untuk bisa melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik dan lancar

3. vreu o compunere despre vara

Saya ingin sebuah esai tentang musim panas

semoga membantu

1. In many countries it is illegal to keep a gun in your house.

b. il  (illegal = tidak legal / tidak sah)

2. She's thinking of going back to university and taking a postgraduate course

c. post  (postgraduate = setelah lulus)

3. Thousands of people have taken part in an anti-democracy demonstration

b. anti  (anti-democracy = menolak / tidak setuju dengan demokrasi)

4. You shouldn't eat chicken that is undercooked

c. under  (undercooked = kurang masak)

5. There was some disagreement over the bill.

a. dis  (disagreement = tidak setuju dengan persetujuan / pertentangan)

6. She works for a multinational company. It has offices in over 30 countries

b. multi  (multinasional = berbagai bangsa)

7. Everyone was watching me and I felt very self-conscious

c. self  (self-conscious = canggung)

8. His ex-wife is suing him for $5 million

b. ex  (ex-wife = mantan istri)

9. We were very dissatisfied with the service at the restaurant

c. dis  (dissatisfied = tidak puas)

10. The quality of the work was very poor and much of it had to be redone

c. re  (redone = diperbaiki / dikerjakan kembali)

11. She has little awareness of the dangers she will face

b. ness  (awareness merupakan kata benda / noun dari adjective aware)

12. He couldn't hide his disappointment at his low grade

b. ment  (disappointment adalah noun / kata benda, disappoint adalah verb / kata kerja)

13. The twins got on very well together and there was no jealousy between them

a. y  (jealous adalah adjective / kata keterangan, jealousy adalah noun / kata benda)

14. I was shocked at her rudeness

a. ness  (rudeness = kekasaran)

15. She's training to become a psychologist

c. ist  (psychology adalah ilmu psikologi / kejiwaan, psychologist adalah orang yang secara profesional mempelajari ilmu psikologi tersebut.))

16. Exercise is good for you health

c. (no suffix)

17. Many people don't trust politicians because they tell lies

b. ians  (adanya pronoun they sebagai kata ganti untuk noun / kata benda politicians / politisi)

18. Art classes aim to develop children's creativity

c. ity  (creativity = kemampuan berkreasi)

19. She can't accept criticism from her colleagues

b. ism  (critical = suatu keadaan kritis, sehingga tidak cocok dengan kalimat)

20. Manchester United supporters were delighted with their team's 3-0 win at the weekend

c. ers (supporter / supporters = orang yang memberi dukungan

Prefix dan suffix adalah imbuhan yang ditambahkan dengan tujuan untuk merubah atau menambah pengertian pada suatu kata tertentu. Preffix adalah imbuhan yang ditambahkan di awal kata, sedangkan suffix adalah imbuhan yang ditambahkan dibelakang kata.

Ada beberapa jenis prefix, antara lain : a- (tidak, tanpa), ante- (sebelum), anti- (berlawanan), de- (menurun, pengurangan, berlawanan), dis- (tidak), ex- (mantan), extra- (melebihi), il- / im- / in- / ir- (tidak, tanpa), inter- (di antara), intra- (di dalam, di antara), macro- (besar), mis- (salah), mono- (satu), multi- (berbagai), non- (tidak, tanpa), post- (setelah), pre- (sebelum), pro- (untuk, menuju, sebelum, setuju), re- (mengulang lagi, kembali), sub- (di bawah), un- (tidak), under- (kurang / kurang dari)

Sedangkan untuk suffix, antara lain : -ness (menyatakan keadaan), -able (bisa untuk, memungkinkan), -ly (bentuk kata keterangan), -ed (bentuk kata sifat), -ful (penuh dengan), -ance (bentuk kata benda: aksi / keadaan / proses), -y (penuh dengan, menyatakan keadaan), -er (perbandingan lebih dari yang lain / Comparative), -est (perbandingan yang paling di antara yang lain / Superlative)


5. redactează o compunere despre un erou al neamului nostru

" redactează o compunere despre un
erou al neamului nostru " Terjemahan dari bahasa RUMANIA yang artinya yaitu : " disusun sebuah esai tentang
pahlawan bangsa kita "

6. young. His agage. He likes to work in a garden all Bambang. He isday long.Even at this age, his hair didn't start to grizzle. However, He isThey are still quite brown, but not as dense they Though his faceused to be. It doesn't make him nervous of good.becoming bold, however. He has absolutely noHe has shortproblem with that.always wearingMy grandpa hobby is reading. He likes to read also has long meverything, including poetry, historic novels and female studentromans but books about the life of emperors in the According to th19th century are his most favourite.a pointy nose arI have a wonderfull relationship with my opa andHe is very gohope, that he will win his fight and live with us for logic advice ormany years. My grandpa,my Idol.has made all 1language beca1.What is the writer's intention to write the and comfortatext?always has theA.To inform about the writera very creativB. To describe the writer's grandfatherpersonality mC.To tell about grandfather's appearance is good in maD.To explain about grandfather's activities crowd. Everycomfortable​

D tiexplain about grndfathers activites crowd every comfrotable

7. Task 1 Listen to the text and complete the blanks carefully! Hello, friends. I am Hilma Setiana Putri. I am a student of the first grade of a ... (1). I am the last children in my family. In my family, there are five people; father, mother, my two sisters, and I. Now I would like to tell you about my sisters. National Chara Communicative, creativ Independent, and resp Students de the activit controlled self-support influenced by others. to know something. control over the task. S practice the activities original ideas and als to others and giving about simple present activity/action/funct animals, and things. My oldest sister is Naraya Eka Putri. She works for a (2) in Jakarta. There is a computer on her desk. She often types letters using the computer. She also answers the telephone and takes (3). Sometimes, she goes to have some important meetings with her director and prepares some important files. The second sister is Ramita Dwika Putri. She is an English teacher. She teaches English in a vocational school in Solo. She gives good (4) for her students. Sometimes she also gives English course for children around her home. She is kind, wise, and patient when she ... (5) English.​


Hello, friends. I am Hilma Setiana Putri. I am a student of the first grade of a school. I am the last children in my family. In my family, there are five people; father, mother, my two sisters, and I. Now I would like to tell you about my sisters. They have characteristics like being communicative, creative, independent, and responsible students. They control their activities, support themselves, and are influenced by others to know something. They practice activities with original ideas and also give information about simple present activity/action/function, animals, and things. My oldest sister is Naraya Eka Putri. She works for a company in Jakarta. There is a computer on her desk. She often types letters using the computer. She also answers the telephone and takes messages. Sometimes, she goes to have some important meetings with her director and prepares some important files. The second sister is Ramita Dwika Putri. She is an English teacher. She teaches English in a vocational school in Solo. She gives good feedback for her students. Sometimes she also gives English courses for children around her home. She is kind, wise, and patient when she teaches English.

8. 2 pantun tentang corona ! pantun harus jelas dan creativ​



Pergi ke pasar membeli celana

Tidak lupa membeli bunga

Virus Corona berasal dari Cina

Lalu menyebar ke seluruh dunia

Ke toko bunga membeli mawar

Mawar disiram supaya segar

Virus disebar lewat kelelawar

9. Computer e literary despre opera Dl-Goes plz plz plz.

soal bahasa eropa atau inggris ya

10. In perechi , vorbesc despre modul in care animalele se protejeze

Berpasangan, berbicara tentang bagaimana
melindungi hewan

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